HPO-translations copied to clipboard
Missing translations for Spanish
There are 1087 (9.46%) translations missing for the Spanish language. Are there any plans to complete them? I think at least the readme should indicate that there are some missing terms and that contributions are welcome
@drseb, any update on this |real urgent|, we are working with a professional translator just to finish the rest and revise the rest.
These are not the most recent spanish translations in this repo. They are maintained by the spanish expert team and I am not sure if it is a good decision to start your own translation efforts. Please see the readme https://github.com/drseb/HPO-translations/blob/master/README.md on who to contact
me gustaría mucho ver completada la traducción al español de la HPO -- estoy a su disposición para preguntas sobre los conceptos (terms)
@pnrobinson thank you very much, I just sent an email to the coordinator.
Did you had a look on the spanish translation?