dropzone-ui-react icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dropzone-ui-react copied to clipboard

dropzone-ui.com is not working

Open etomarat opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments


etomarat avatar May 02 '22 07:05 etomarat

Hey @etomarat , thanks for the alert.

There was a problem on the main server that is hosted on https://www.deelo.cloud Please, if you need to acces to the webpage, you can use this link on heroku:



JinSSJ3 avatar May 02 '22 15:05 JinSSJ3

Hey @etomarat , thanks for the alert.

There was a problem on the main server that is hosted on https://www.deelo.cloud Please, if you need to acces to the webpage, you can use this link on heroku:



Thank you!

etomarat avatar May 02 '22 16:05 etomarat

It will be great if the link is updated elsewhere, like on npmjs or even this GitHub repository. People will think that it's not active anymore...

Good job with the package!

corneliugaina avatar Jul 01 '22 09:07 corneliugaina

Thanks for your comments! Link is correctly updated.

JinSSJ3 avatar Sep 03 '22 06:09 JinSSJ3