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OAuth Consumer support for Clojure
OAuth support for Clojure
provides OAuth Client support for Clojure programs.
Add [clj-oauth "1.5.5"]
as a Leiningen dependency to get the latest release.
lein jar
Running Tests
Create a file test/oauth/twitter_keys.clj that contains the consumer key and secret.
(def key "blah")
(def secret "itsasecret")
lein test
Client Example
(require ['oauth.client :as 'oauth])
;; Create a Consumer, in this case one to access Twitter.
;; Register an application at Twitter (
;; to obtain a Consumer token and token secret.
(def consumer (oauth/make-consumer <consumer-token>
;; Fetch a request token that a OAuth User may authorize
;; If you are using OAuth with a desktop application, a callback URI
;; is not required.
(def request-token (oauth/request-token consumer <callback-uri>))
;; Send the User to this URI for authorization, they will be able
;; to choose the level of access to grant the application and will
;; then be redirected to the callback URI provided with the
;; request-token.
(oauth/user-approval-uri consumer
(:oauth_token request-token))
;; Assuming the User has approved the request token, trade it for an access token.
;; The access token will then be used when accessing protected resources for the User.
;; If the OAuth Service Provider provides a verifier, it should be included in the
;; request for the access token. See [Section 6.2.3]( of the OAuth specification
;; for more information.
(def access-token-response (oauth/access-token consumer
;; Each request to a protected resource must be signed individually. The
;; credentials are returned as a map of all OAuth parameters that must be
;; included with the request as either query parameters or in an
;; Authorization HTTP header.
(def user-params {:status "posting from #clojure with #oauth"})
(def credentials (oauth/credentials consumer
(:oauth_token access-token-response)
(:oauth_token_secret access-token-response)
;; Post with clj-http...
(http/post ""
{:query-params (merge credentials user-params)}
;; ...or with clojure-twitter (
(require 'twitter)
(twitter/with-oauth consumer
(:oauth_token access-token-response)
(:oauth_token_secret access-token-response)
(twitter/update-status "using clj-oauth with clojure-twitter"))
Development funded by LikeStream LLC (Don Jackson and Shirish Andhare), see
Designed and developed by Matt Revelle.
Contributions from Richard Newman.