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Task management with rewards system.

Grind Manager

Latest release Last commit

  • Unleash the magic of Grind Manager, merging task management with rewards system to your Obsidian workspace!
  • Earn coins by completing tasks and acquire epic rewards!
  • It's your ticket to excitement and adventure in your digital domain!


  • Tasks: View all tasks in your vault.
  • Filters: Filter tasks by completion status, recurring or search by within content.
  • Rewards: Purchase rewards with earned coins.
  • History: View history of earnings and spending.
  • Recurrence: Instead of repeating the same tasks, recurring tasks are saved to history and reappear in the task list when their time arrives.
  • Counters: Utilize counters to break down a task into smaller segments for easier completion.
  • Difficulty: Set difficulty level to earn coins based on it.

Task Tracking

Available Tags

In Grind Manager #tags is used for metadata. Currently list of tags in using:

  • counter: #count/current/goal (e.g. #count/1/4)
  • recurrence: #every/recurrence (e.g. #every/day | #every/week)
  • difficulty: #diff/difficulty (e.g. #diff/trivial | #diff/easy | #diff/medium | #diff/hard)


Also for completed date is used link on daily note

  • WikiLink ✅ [[2024-03-13|2024-03-13 | 21:46]]
  • Markdown Link ✅ [2024-03-13 | 21:46](Everyday/2024-03-13.md)


You can use this statuses (compatable with Obsidian Tasks statuses):

  • - [ ] todo - planned for execution.
  • - [/] doing - currently in progress.
  • - [x] done - completed
  • - [-] denied - not of interest or for other reasons.
  • - [?] delay - in progress but paused, on review or deligated.
# Uncompleted task

- [ ] watch video about optimization #diff/easy

# Task in progress

- [/] watch video about optimization #diff/easy

# Completed task

- [x] watch video about optimization #diff/easy ✅ [[2024-03-13|2024-03-13 | 21:46]]


By default difficulty earnings is (you can change it in settings):

  • trivial - 0.1
  • easy - 1
  • medium - 2.5
  • hard - 5


You can use counters in common and recurring tasks. If counter has a goal and it reaches it, the task automatically became done.

With #diff

If task has #diff and #count on every counter increase you earned coins based on difficulty level.

[!NOTE] If you click on decrease counter it will take coins back.

<!-- Difficulty usage -->

- [/] challange code everyday for 4 hours! #count/3/4 #diff/hard

<!-- In history file -->

5 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:46
5 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:46
5 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:46

<!-- If you click decrease one time -->

-5 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:50
5 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:46
5 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:46
5 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:46

With #every

In recurring tasks when you reach goal and the day to show it arrives, the counter resets to zero.

<!-- You're clicking on increase counter in UI -->

- [/] challange code everyday for 4 hours! #count/3/4 #every/day #diff/hard

<!-- It saves to history -->

5 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:46
5 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:46
5 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:46

<!-- Or without #diff -->

0 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:46
0 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:46
0 | challange code everyday for 4 hours! | 2024-03-13 21:46

<!-- When you reach counter goal, counter set to completed -->

- [x] challange code everyday for 4 hours! #count/4/4 #every/day #diff/hard

<!-- Task resets to zeros and appears in UI when its time arrives -->

- [ ] challange code everyday for 4 hours! #count/0/4 #every/day #diff/hard


For recurrence you need to use #every tag, a recurring task appears again based on history file. List of recurrence durations (instead of 1 you can use another number)

  • Daily - day, 1day, 2day ... etc.
  • Weekly - week, 1week, 2week ... etc.

If a task doesn't have #diff tag in history, it saves with 0 balance change.

<!-- Create recurring task -->

- [ ] coding for 4 hours #every/day

<!-- Set in progress -->

- [/] coding for 4 hours #every/day

<!-- Complete task -->

- [x] coding for 4 hours #every/day

<!-- It saves in history and resets when the time arrives -->

- [ ] coding for 4 hours #every/day

How does it work?

  • You create task with #every tag, it shows in UI.
  • You complete your recurring task.
  • Task body saves to history.
  • Task counter sets to zero value when its time arrives.


  • You can buy rewards on earned coins.
  • You need to create rewards file to add rewards.
  • By default rewards file is rewards.md but you can change it in settings.
  • You need to define your rewards in rewards file.
  • Format of reward row rewards name | price | description in rewards file.
  • If you have a desire to add a comment use | symbol e.g. | my favorite rewards.

[!NOTE] Markdown comments <!-- comment --> don't work in rewards file.

| shows `📺️ watch an episode` for 1 coin
📺️ watch an episode

| shows `🍦 Ice cream` for 10 coins
🍦 Ice cream | 10

| shows `🍬 candy` with desc `earn and eat it.` for 1 coin
🍬 candy | earn and eat it.

| shows `🌴 relax one day` with desc `you work hard you deserve it.` for 1500 coins
🌴 relax one day | 1500 | you worked hard you deserve it.


  • History file stores all your earnings and spendings.
  • Task is earning one if it has #diff or #every.
  • By default history file is history.md but you can change it in settings.
  • By default you don't need to do anything with this file.
  • But if you want to correct some data or cheat sometimes, you're welcome... cheater *bruh*.
  • Format of history row: balance change | task body | date

It saves to history only if:

  • Task with #diff.
  • Task with #every.
  • Reward


Can I contribute?

Yes, of course!