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A strongly consistent distributed transaction framework
raincat-admin: Transaction log management background
raincat-annotation : Framework common annotation
raincat-common : Framework common class
raincat-core : Framework core package (annotation processing, log storage...)
raincat-dashboard : Management background front-end
raincat-dubbo : Support for the dubbo framework Less than 2.7 version
raincat-motan : Support for the motan rpc framework
raincat-springcloud : Support for the spring cloud rpc framework
raincat-spring-boot-starter : Support for the spring boot starter
raincat-sample : Examples using the raincat framework
All spring versions are supported and Seamless integration
Provides support for the springcloud dubbo motan RPC framework
Provides integration of the spring boot starter approach
Support Nested transaction
Local transaction storage support : redis mongodb zookeeper file mysql
Transaction log serialization support : java hessian kryo protostuff
Spi extension : Users can customize the storage of serialization and transaction logs
Transaction Role
Transaction starter :
for The entry point of the first section -
Transaction participant : Rpc invoker in the method (Add
) -
Transaction coordinator : Coordinate the rollback of commit transactions
It is the coordinator of the transaction and USES netty communication framework to communicate with participants and initiators.
Use eureka as a registry to support cluster deployment.
Use redis to store transaction information.
It has to start early.
You must use jdk1.8 +
You must be a user of the spring framework
You must use one of the dubbo, motan, and springcloud RPC frameworks
raincat is A strongly consistent distributed transaction framework.
Good concurrency support, blocking spring transaction thread commit.
When the execution of the slice is complete and there is no exception,
the submission command is sent asynchronously by the coordinator to achieve strong consistency.
If you want to use it or get a quick look at it. Quick Start