Michael Henry
Michael Henry
Thanks; I appreciate your taking a look at this.
I don't have much experience writing syntax files. I have the start of an idea, but I don't know how it might interact with the rest of the syntax logic....
I'm happy to leave the actual commit in your hands, once you are happy with the results. I think I can extend the idea to include enumerated lists. A bullet...
Yes, in its current form it can make you cross-eyed to look at it. The source could be tidied up a good bit with some helper variables or functions to...
> I agree that a discussion on the mailing list would be a good idea. Speaking for myself, I still just consider myself "barely proficient" :D. I'm with you, man...
The mailing list posting unfortunately didn't receive any replies over the past few weeks. Given the size of this fix, I understand the hesitancy to include it. For my own...