Jason Harrison

Results 27 comments of Jason Harrison

Does fds require a specific range of Python versions, that's why I mentioned pipenv (or any virtual environment). I s Assume that you are thinking that fds should be installed...

Working on it, we have a large multi-module project that I've added an integrationTest testSet to. It's proving difficult to reproduce this in a "hello world" project. It could be...

Here you go: https://github.com/drjasonharrison/IntegrationTestVsAndroidStudio

Wondering what it would take to get this done. We'd also like to have all data stored in persistent storage (Elastic Block Store / S3) rather than on an EC2...

my advice: document the dependencies but don't do anything in the installation to install them. You don't know the context in which your python package will be installed, even if...

can you provide a code sample?

There is no standard for captive hot spot portals. Many IoT devices cannot connect to these portals because of the lack of standardization. Hotels require a name, room number, and...

What is the status of being able to create a custom SnapshotReporter that uses a tool like pixelmatch?

If you want to run mutmut as a pre-commit hook you can write your own "system" hook. Here is an example of a pytest hook: ``` - repo: local hooks:...