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Implement infering table model with relations
Prisma API:
import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client'
// 1: Define a type that includes the relation to `Post`
const userWithPosts = Prisma.validator<Prisma.UserDefaultArgs>()({
include: { posts: true },
// 2: Define a type that only contains a subset of the scalar fields
const userPersonalData = Prisma.validator<Prisma.UserDefaultArgs>()({
select: { email: true, name: true },
// 3: This type will include a user and all their posts
type UserWithPosts = Prisma.UserGetPayload<typeof userWithPosts>
Please? 🙏
I found a workaround for this.
For example, I have two tables: employee
with fields "id" and "role_id" and role
with field "id".
I want to get a type of such query:
await db
.where(eq(employee.id, id))
.leftJoin(role, eq(employee.roleId, role.id))
(i.e. an employee with their role). The type would be:
export type EmployeeWithRole = {
[employee._.name]: typeof employee.$inferSelect;
[role._.name]: typeof role.$inferSelect | null;
For anyone looking for a workaround : https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/discussions/1483
Thanks @Angelelz 🙏🏽
For queries using with
I made these simple helper types:
import type { BuildQueryResult, DBQueryConfig, ExtractTablesWithRelations } from 'drizzle-orm';
import * as schema from './path/to/schema';
type Schema = typeof schema;
type TSchema = ExtractTablesWithRelations<Schema>;
export type IncludeRelation<TableName extends keyof TSchema> = DBQueryConfig<
'one' | 'many',
export type InferResultType<
TableName extends keyof TSchema,
With extends IncludeRelation<TableName> | undefined = undefined
> = BuildQueryResult<
with: With;
You can now do:
type UserWithPosts = InferResultType<'user', { posts: true }>
For queries using
I made these simple helper types:import type { BuildQueryResult, DBQueryConfig, ExtractTablesWithRelations } from 'drizzle-orm'; import * as schema from './path/to/schema'; type Schema = typeof schema; type TSchema = ExtractTablesWithRelations<Schema>; export type IncludeRelation<TableName extends keyof TSchema> = DBQueryConfig< 'one' | 'many', boolean, TSchema, TSchema[TableName] >['with']; export type InferResultType< TableName extends keyof TSchema, With extends IncludeRelation<TableName> | undefined = undefined > = BuildQueryResult< TSchema, TSchema[TableName], { with: With; } >;
You can now do:
type UserWithPosts = InferResultType<'user', { posts: true }>
Thanks a lot ❤️
import type { BuildQueryResult, DBQueryConfig, ExtractTablesWithRelations } from 'drizzle-orm';
import * as schema from './path/to/schema';
type Schema = typeof schema;
type TSchema = ExtractTablesWithRelations<Schema>;
export type IncludeRelation<TableName extends keyof TSchema> = DBQueryConfig<
'one' | 'many',
export type InferResultType<
TableName extends keyof TSchema,
With extends IncludeRelation<TableName> | undefined = undefined
> = BuildQueryResult<
with: With;
can you do this but with a nested with?
You can also use the type BearToCode provided in https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/issues/695#issuecomment-1891811082 to achieve that:
type UserWithPostsWithUser = InferResultType<'user', { posts: { with: user: true } }>
I ll also post an alternative using unions if nested relations or filtering fields/columns aren't needed.
Somewhere in your app:
import type { db } from '@/path-to-db';
type DB = typeof db
type DbSchemas = NonNullable<DB['_']['schema']>
export type SchemaRelations<
TTableName extends keyof DbSchemas,
TExcludeRelations extends keyof NonNullable<DbSchemas[TTableName]['relations']> = never,
> = Exclude<keyof NonNullable<DbSchemas[TTableName]['relations']>, TExcludeRelations>
export type SchemaWithRelations<
TTableName extends keyof DbSchemas,
TInclude extends SchemaRelations<TTableName> = never
> = BuildQueryResult<DbSchemas, DbSchemas[TTableName], { with: { [Key in TInclude]: true } }>
In your schema.ts file:
(-) // export type User = typeof USERS_TABLE.$inferSelect
(+) export type User<T extends SchemaRelations<'USERS_TABLE'> = never> = SchemaWithRelations<'USERS_TABLE', T>
// OR if you want to exclude some relations, for example 'accounts' and 'sessions' from the User
(+) export type User<T extends SchemaRelations<'USERS_TABLE', 'accounts' | 'sessions'> = never> = SchemaWithRelations<'USERS_TABLE', T>
type NormalUser = User
type UserWithReviews = User<'reviews'>
type UserWithReviewsRoomsEmployees = User<'reviews' | 'rooms' | 'employees'>
For queries using
I made these simple helper types:import type { BuildQueryResult, DBQueryConfig, ExtractTablesWithRelations } from 'drizzle-orm'; import * as schema from './path/to/schema'; type Schema = typeof schema; type TSchema = ExtractTablesWithRelations<Schema>; export type IncludeRelation<TableName extends keyof TSchema> = DBQueryConfig< 'one' | 'many', boolean, TSchema, TSchema[TableName] >['with']; export type InferResultType< TableName extends keyof TSchema, With extends IncludeRelation<TableName> | undefined = undefined > = BuildQueryResult< TSchema, TSchema[TableName], { with: With; } >;
You can now do:
type UserWithPosts = InferResultType<'user', { posts: true }>
I upgraded it to include both columns and relations. As shown below:
import type {
} from "drizzle-orm";
import type { schema } from "../schema";
type Schema = typeof schema;
type TablesWithRelations = ExtractTablesWithRelations<Schema>;
export type IncludeRelation<TableName extends keyof TablesWithRelations> =
"one" | "many",
export type IncludeColumns<TableName extends keyof TablesWithRelations> =
"one" | "many",
export type InferQueryModel<
TableName extends keyof TablesWithRelations,
Columns extends IncludeColumns<TableName> | undefined = undefined,
With extends IncludeRelation<TableName> | undefined = undefined,
> = BuildQueryResult<
columns: Columns;
with: With;
You can now do:
type UserNameAndEmailWithPosts = InferQueryModel<'user', { name: true, email: true }, { posts: true }>
@akashdevcc can you please post your InferResultType
? Thanks
@akashdevcc can you please post your
? Thanks
I now noticed, I made a mistake, instead of InferQueryModel
, I used InferResultType
I have corrected it now.
@efstathiosntonas So now, do you want me to post the result of this statement?
type UserNameAndEmailWithPosts = InferQueryModel<'user', { name: true, email: true }, { posts: true }>
For queries using
I made these simple helper types:import type { BuildQueryResult, DBQueryConfig, ExtractTablesWithRelations } from 'drizzle-orm'; import * as schema from './path/to/schema'; type Schema = typeof schema; type TSchema = ExtractTablesWithRelations<Schema>; export type IncludeRelation<TableName extends keyof TSchema> = DBQueryConfig< 'one' | 'many', boolean, TSchema, TSchema[TableName] >['with']; export type InferResultType< TableName extends keyof TSchema, With extends IncludeRelation<TableName> | undefined = undefined > = BuildQueryResult< TSchema, TSchema[TableName], { with: With; } >;
You can now do:
type UserWithPosts = InferResultType<'user', { posts: true }>
I upgraded it to include both columns and relations. As shown below:
import type { BuildQueryResult, DBQueryConfig, ExtractTablesWithRelations, } from "drizzle-orm"; import type { schema } from "../schema"; type Schema = typeof schema; type TablesWithRelations = ExtractTablesWithRelations<Schema>; export type IncludeRelation<TableName extends keyof TablesWithRelations> = DBQueryConfig< "one" | "many", boolean, TablesWithRelations, TablesWithRelations[TableName] >["with"]; export type IncludeColumns<TableName extends keyof TablesWithRelations> = DBQueryConfig< "one" | "many", boolean, TablesWithRelations, TablesWithRelations[TableName] >["columns"]; export type InferQueryModel< TableName extends keyof TablesWithRelations, Columns extends IncludeColumns<TableName> | undefined = undefined, With extends IncludeRelation<TableName> | undefined = undefined, > = BuildQueryResult< TablesWithRelations, TablesWithRelations[TableName], { columns: Columns; with: With; } >;
You can now do:
type UserNameAndEmailWithPosts = InferQueryModel<'user', { name: true, email: true }, { posts: true }>
this works, thank you
You can also add column support like this:
import * as schema from "$server/db/schema";
import type { BuildQueryResult, DBQueryConfig, ExtractTablesWithRelations } from "drizzle-orm";
type TSchema = ExtractTablesWithRelations<typeof schema>;
type QueryConfig<TableName extends keyof TSchema> = DBQueryConfig<"one" | "many", boolean, TSchema, TSchema[TableName]>;
export type InferQueryModel<
TableName extends keyof TSchema,
QBConfig extends QueryConfig<TableName> = {}
> = BuildQueryResult<TSchema, TSchema[TableName], QBConfig>;
type Result = InferQueryModel<
columns: { id: true },
with: {
character: {
columns: { id: true }
// type Result = { id: string; character: { id: string; } }
Thanks for the help. It's useful!
Has anyone found a way to disallow passing non-existent columns?
For example:
type T = InferQueryModel<
id: true
createdAt: true
nonExistentKey: true // <- not erroring
I noticed that drizzle uses a KnownKeysOnly
helper but didn't find a way to make it work.
Thanks for the help. It's useful!
Has anyone found a way to disallow passing non-existent columns?
For example:
type T = InferQueryModel< 'Test', { id: true createdAt: true nonExistentKey: true // <- not erroring }, {} >
I noticed that drizzle uses a
helper but didn't find a way to make it work.
Thanks for the help. It's useful! Has anyone found a way to disallow passing non-existent columns? For example:
type T = InferQueryModel< 'Test', { id: true createdAt: true nonExistentKey: true // <- not erroring }, {} >
I noticed that drizzle uses a
helper but didn't find a way to make it work.https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest/blob/main/source/exact.d.ts
Thanks 🙏
Here is the full snippet that ensures that keys are always valid:
import type * as schema from './schema'
import type {
} from 'drizzle-orm'
import type { Exact } from 'type-fest'
type TSchema = ExtractTablesWithRelations<typeof schema>
type QueryConfig<TableName extends keyof TSchema> = DBQueryConfig<
'one' | 'many',
export type InferQueryModel<
TableName extends keyof TSchema,
QBConfig extends Exact<QueryConfig<TableName>, QBConfig> = {} // <-- notice Exact here
> = BuildQueryResult<TSchema, TSchema[TableName], QBConfig>
I also recommend using the Pretty TypeScript Errors extension that helps decipher the errors. 😅
I had this need for column definition of a TanStack Table, I used drizzle-zod
to infer the types.
import { createSelectSchema } from "drizzle-zod";
import { z } from "zod";
export const fooRelations = relations(fooTable, ({ one }) => ({
bar: one(barTable, {
fields: [fooTable.barId],
references: [barTable.id],
const selectBarSchema = createSelectSchema(barTable);
const selectFooSchema = createSelectSchema(fooTable);
const selectFooWithBarSchema = selectFooSchema.extend({
user: selectFooSchema.nullable(),
export type selectFooWithBar = z.infer<typeof selectFooWithBarSchema >;
damn, was looking for something like that for an hour. Thanks @alfredotoselli !
is there a way to make the relationship data to be optional ?
for example role and permissions
generated type would be { id: number; permissions?: {}[] }