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[BUG]: There is not enough information to infer relation // SQLite one to one
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Describe the Bug
I am trying to implement a one to one relation based on this example : https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/rqb#one-to-one, but with SQLite. I get an error while querying and launching drizzle-kit studio.
This is my schema :
import { text, integer, sqliteTable } from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core";
import { relations } from 'drizzle-orm';
export const users = sqliteTable("users", {
id: integer("id", { mode: 'number' }).primaryKey({ autoIncrement: true }),
name: text('name'),
export const usersRelations = relations(users, ({ one }) => ({
profileInfo: one(profileInfo),
export const profileInfo = sqliteTable('profile_info', {
id: integer("id", { mode: 'number' }).primaryKey({ autoIncrement: true }),
userId: integer('user_id').references(() => users.id),
metadata: text('metadata'),
This is the error while launching studio:
Error: There is not enough information to infer relation "__public__.users.profileInfo"
If I comment the usersRelations function i can successfully launch drizzle studio.
If I manually create one user record and one profileInfo related to that user :
And query this from an API endpoint like so :
let users = await db.query.users.findMany({
with : {
profileInfo: true
I also get an error :
Error: There is not enough information to infer relation "users.profileInfo"
By adding a onDelete cascade to the reference like this :
export const profileInfo = sqliteTable('profile_info', {
id: integer("id", { mode: 'number' }).primaryKey({ autoIncrement: true }),
userId: integer('user_id').references(() => users.id, { onDelete: 'cascade' }),
metadata: text('metadata'),
And deleting the user record the related profileInfo is also deleted, so I guess the relation exists.
I am not very experimented with database so I may missed something, but I feel like I've followed the example and it is not working.
Expected behavior
The query return the User with profileInfo and drizzle studio launch successfully.
Environment & setup
MacOS 13.5 Node v21.4.0