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[BUG]: Transactions rollback doesn't work

Open WebTarantul opened this issue 1 year ago • 21 comments

What version of drizzle-orm are you using?


What version of drizzle-kit are you using?


Describe the Bug

I wrote a pretty simple transaction but when the error appears rollback doesn't work. I have 3 steps and when the error happens on the second step, the first change is still in DB.

Expected behavior

I expect that if the error happens at some point in the transaction the entire transaction rolls back. But it doesn't.

Even when I try to run rolling back manually I get an error: [DrizzleError: Rollback] { name: 'DrizzleError', cause: undefined }

Environment & setup

It is running on Vercel and the project is on Next.js 14.

import {sql} from '@vercel/postgres'
import {drizzle} from 'drizzle-orm/vercel-postgres'

export const db = drizzle(sql, {schema})
const updatedUser = await db.transaction(async (trx) => {
  const [updatedUser] = await trx
      name: input.name,
      email: input.email,
    .where(eq(UsersTable.id, user.id))


    // ERROR happens here
  await trx.insert(KeyTable).values({
    id: 'some-id',
    userId: user.id,
    hashedPassword: 'hashed-password',
  await trx.delete(KeyTable).where(eq(KeyTable.id, 'oldKeyId'));

  return updatedUser

WebTarantul avatar Dec 28 '23 17:12 WebTarantul

Is there any chance you can put together a reproduction repo? I would like to look into this.

Angelelz avatar Dec 28 '23 17:12 Angelelz

I am also experiencing this issue with aws-data-api.

[email protected] [email protected]

In the following example, step 1. create application commits to the database even if step 2. associate marketing entities fails.

import { RDSDataClient } from '@aws-sdk/client-rds-data';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/aws-data-api/pg';

const rdsClient = new RDSDataClient({});

export const db = drizzle(rdsClient, {
    database: process.env.database,
    resourceArn: process.env.resourceArn,
    secretArn: process.env.secretArn

async function getOrCreateApplication({ userId, dealId }) {
    return await db.transaction(async tx => {
        let [application] = await tx
            .where(eq(applications.userId, userId));

        // if already exists, return it
        if (application) {
            return application;

        // 1. create application
        application = await tx
            .values({ userId })

        // 2. associate marketing entities
        await tx
            .values({ dealId, applicationId: application.id });

        return application;

pantoninho avatar Jan 17 '24 17:01 pantoninho

bumping this, this is a pretty important functionality to not be working or have a workaround. It's super simple to reproduce with the happy path of a rollback:

await db
    .transaction(async (transaction) => {
      try {
        const user = await transaction.insert(users).values({ key }).returning();
        throw new Error("uh oh");
      } catch (error) {
        try {
        } catch (error) {
          console.log({ error });

Will output:

  error: TransactionRollbackError [DrizzleError]: Rollback
      at NodePgTransaction.rollback (/path/to/base/dir/node_modules/src/pg-core/session.ts:99:9)
      at /path/to/base/dir/src/scripts/transactions.ts:32:23
      at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
      at fulfilled (/path/to/base/dir/src/scripts/transactions.ts:5:58)
      at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

breesetposh avatar Feb 15 '24 15:02 breesetposh

turns out I was doing this wrong, works fine for postgres, you just have to be sure to throw within transaction and can't suppress it because it depends on catching the error in the underlying code in order to perform the rollback.

So this works and rolls back:

db.transaction(async (tx) => {
  const user = await tx.insert(users).values({...}).returning();
  tx.rollback(); // this throws an error, which causes drizzle (really the postgres client) to auto-rollback)

but this won't:

db.transaction(async (tx) => {
  try {
    const user = await tx.insert(users).values({...}).returning();
  } catch (error) {
     //.. suppressing it, but needs to throw to rollback automatically

Probably obvious, but just in case that trips anyone else up.

breesetposh avatar Feb 15 '24 18:02 breesetposh

This is not working on sqlite.

  • Go to this repo https://github.com/gabrielgrover/drizzle-rollback-test
  • install deps with pnpm install
  • run test with pnpm test

Here is the test that fails

import { test, expect } from "vitest";
import { db } from "./database";
import * as Schema from "./schema";
import {eq} from "drizzle-orm";
import { faker } from "@faker-js/faker";

test("Should rollback", async () => {
  const name = faker.person.firstName();
  await expect(() =>
  const users = await db
    .where(eq(Schema.users.name, name));


async function addUser(name: string) {
  await db.transaction(async tx => {
      await tx.insert(Schema.users).values({

      throw new Error("BOOM");

gabrielgrover avatar Feb 16 '24 04:02 gabrielgrover

I believe it is this line https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/blob/main/drizzle-orm/src/better-sqlite3/session.ts#L74

If T is a promise, and there is a throw / rejection in the call to transaction it wouldn't be caught because of the lack of an await

gabrielgrover avatar Feb 16 '24 09:02 gabrielgrover

Seems like it a deeper issue. At the moment BetterSQLiteSession only implements the sync version of the SQLiteSession abstract class. I am down to take this on, but would like input from maintainers. @Angelelz do you know or know someone who knows why async SQLiteSession has not been implemented for BetterSQLiteSession? Is there a known issue with it?

gabrielgrover avatar Feb 16 '24 23:02 gabrielgrover

Bettersqlite3 is only synchronous

Angelelz avatar Feb 17 '24 02:02 Angelelz

@Angelelz If that is the case then shouldn't the types for something like queries be synchronous as well? Since they are async it naturally follows that a developer would treat them as such and use an async call back when calling transaction.

The docs for better-sqlite on the drizzle site show awaits being used. https://orm.drizzle.team/docs/get-started-sqlite#better-sqlite3. This is confusing no?

gabrielgrover avatar Feb 17 '24 15:02 gabrielgrover

If anyone comes across this my work around was to just handle transaction logic. This is just repurposing the bulk of the logic in BetterSQLIteTransaction.

type Transaction = {
  readonly db: Database; // This type is the return type of `drizzle`
  readonly nestedIndex: number;
  readonly savepointName: string;
  transaction: <T>(tx: (t: Transaction) => Promise<T>) => Promise<T>;
  rollback: () => void;

function createTransaction(
  db: Database,
  nestedIndex?: number,
  savepointName?: string,
): Transaction {
  const idx = nestedIndex ?? 0;
  const name = savepointName ?? "sp0";

  return {
    nestedIndex: idx,
    savepointName: name,
    transaction: async (tx) => {
      db.run(sql.raw(`savepoint ${name}`));
      const t = createTransaction(db, idx + 1, `sp${idx + 1}`);

      try {
        const txResult = await tx(t);
        db.run(sql.raw(`release savepoint ${name}`));
        return txResult;
      } catch (e) {
        db.run(sql.raw(`rollback to savepoint ${name}`));
        throw e;
    rollback: () => {
      throw new Error("Rollback called.  Reverting transaction");

const databaseTransaction = createTransaction(db);  // pass your initialized drizzle instance

await databaseTransaction.transaction(async ({ db, transaction, rollback }) => {
  await db.insert(users).values({...});
  await transactions(async ({ db, transaction, rollback }) => { 
    // nested transaction

  rollback(); // call roll back to throw and revert transaction

gabrielgrover avatar Feb 18 '24 01:02 gabrielgrover

I'm getting this error with the latest version of drizzle (0.30.4). This is my setup with bun (v1.0.35) and vitest (all the latest and recent updated):

This is my simple test case with vitest

describe('Contacts API', () => {
    it('should work', async () => {
        await db.transaction(async (tx) => {
            const contact = await new ContactFactory(tx).create();
            const results = await tx.select().from(contacts);

            tx.rollback(); // this doesn't return a promise so await here is irrelevant and also doesn't make different

            console.log('Never reach this line!');

And this is the result I'm getting:

bun test v1.0.35 (940448d6)

1 | import { entityKind } from "./entity.js";
2 | class DrizzleError extends Error {
3 |   static [entityKind] = "DrizzleError";
4 |   constructor({ message, cause }) {
5 |     super(message);
DrizzleError: Rollback
      at new DrizzleError (/Users/marco/projects/testings/project-x/node_modules/drizzle-orm/errors.js:5:9)
      at new TransactionRollbackError (/Users/marco/projects/testings/project-x/node_modules/drizzle-orm/errors.js:13:5)
      at rollback (/Users/marco/projects/testings/project-x/node_modules/drizzle-orm/pg-core/session.js:55:15)
      at /Users/marco/projects/testings/project-x/api/contacts/index.test.ts:16:7
✗ Contacts API > should work [122.68ms]

 0 pass
 1 fail
 2 expect() calls
Ran 1 tests across 1 files. [288.00ms]

marcotas avatar Mar 25 '24 06:03 marcotas

This seems to be the normal behaviour, tx.rollback() is just a shorthand for throwing the DrizzleError: Rollback inside a transaction, which should then automagically abort. The error thrown inside the tx then propagates to db.transaction() caller, which is why your test fails.

Thats just my intuition though, as the transaction API in drizzle isn't really documented aside from basically mentioning that it exists.

97albertus avatar Mar 26 '24 12:03 97albertus

I get:

 tx.rollback is not a function

nemanjaonex2 avatar Mar 28 '24 15:03 nemanjaonex2

Did you find a workaround? Throwing an error inside the transaction function doesn't seem to trigger the auto-rollback. tx.rollback() doesn't work either.

PS: using bun sqlite driver

acerbisgianluca avatar Apr 04 '24 22:04 acerbisgianluca

My workaround, for better-sqlite driver with better-sqlite-pool lib.

import { BetterSQLite3Database, drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/better-sqlite3";
import { Pool } from "better-sqlite-pool";
import * as schema from "./schema";

export type DB = BetterSQLite3Database<typeof schema> & {
  release: () => void;

export class ConnectionPool {
    dbPath: string,
  ) {
    this.pool = new Pool(dbPath, {
      onConnectionCreated: sqlite => {
        // enabling Write-Ahead Logging for better performance
        sqlite.pragma("journal_mode = WAL");

        // enforce foreign key constraints
        sqlite.pragma("foreign_keys = ON");

  private readonly pool: Pool;

  public acquire = async (): Promise<DB> => {
    const connection = await this.pool.acquire();
    const db = drizzle(connection, {

    Object.assign(db, { release: () => connection.release() });
    return db as DB;

export const runInReadMode =
  <TResult, TArgs = void>(
    connectionPool: ConnectionPool,
    fn: (db: DB, args: TArgs) => Promise<TResult>
  ) =>
  async (args: TArgs) => {
    const db = await connectionPool.acquire();
    try {
      return await fn(db, args);
    } finally {

export const runInTransaction = <TResult, TArgs = void>(
  connectionPool: ConnectionPool,
  fn: (db: DB, args: TArgs) => Promise<TResult>
) => {
  return async (args: TArgs) => {
    const db = await connectionPool.acquire();
    db.run(sql.raw(`BEGIN TRANSACTION`));
    try {
      const res = await fn(db, args);
      db.run(sql.raw(`COMMIT TRANSACTION`));
      return res;
    } catch (e) {
      db.run(sql.raw(`ROLLBACK TRANSACTION`));
      throw e;
    } finally {

const main = async () => {
  const connectionPool = new ConnectionPool(dbPath);
  const readResult = await runInReadMode(connectionPool, readSomeData);
  const writeResult = await runInTransaction(connectionPool, writeSomeData);

const readSomeData = async (db: DB) => {
  const users = await db.select().from(usersTable);
  const products = await db.select().from(productsTable);
  return { products, users };

const writeSomeData = async (db: DB) => {
  const user = await db.insert(usersTable).values({ name: "John" }).returning();
  const product = await db.insert(productsTable).values({ name: "Apple" }).returning();

  if (!product || !user) {
    throw new Error("Some error");

  return { user, product };

I am using this approach for node app that has incoming requests, requests either read-only or read-write. So they are wrapped in corresponding wrappers. For each such request I am acquiring connection from the pool. Most of the time only a single connection is used in my scenarios.

IDovgalyuk avatar Apr 18 '24 06:04 IDovgalyuk

I'm getting this error with the latest version of drizzle (0.30.4). This is my setup with bun (v1.0.35) and vitest (all the latest and recent updated):

This is my simple test case with vitest

describe('Contacts API', () => {
    it('should work', async () => {
        await db.transaction(async (tx) => {
            const contact = await new ContactFactory(tx).create();
            const results = await tx.select().from(contacts);

            tx.rollback(); // this doesn't return a promise so await here is irrelevant and also doesn't make different

            console.log('Never reach this line!');

And this is the result I'm getting:

bun test v1.0.35 (940448d6)

1 | import { entityKind } from "./entity.js";
2 | class DrizzleError extends Error {
3 |   static [entityKind] = "DrizzleError";
4 |   constructor({ message, cause }) {
5 |     super(message);
DrizzleError: Rollback
      at new DrizzleError (/Users/marco/projects/testings/project-x/node_modules/drizzle-orm/errors.js:5:9)
      at new TransactionRollbackError (/Users/marco/projects/testings/project-x/node_modules/drizzle-orm/errors.js:13:5)
      at rollback (/Users/marco/projects/testings/project-x/node_modules/drizzle-orm/pg-core/session.js:55:15)
      at /Users/marco/projects/testings/project-x/api/contacts/index.test.ts:16:7
✗ Contacts API > should work [122.68ms]

 0 pass
 1 fail
 2 expect() calls
Ran 1 tests across 1 files. [288.00ms]

Same with me using 0.30.10 and postgres.

eaoliver avatar Jun 05 '24 22:06 eaoliver

Does anyone know a workaround for this in expo-sqlite? I have been trying to call tx.rollback() in a transaction but instead db.transaction(...) didn't roll back and just throw the error back at me.

ThienDuc3112 avatar Jun 13 '24 17:06 ThienDuc3112

Still having the issue. No idea what caused it, it happened pretty much overnight and I started getting this error as soon as I upgraded my iOS simulator from 17.4 to 17.5. No code change.

Also I don't manually call the rollback function. I am getting a "Failed to run the query" on a CREATE TABLE statement from useMigrations, but from what I see in the logger, the rollback is causing the error? I'm not quite sure what's happening, my apologies if I made a mistake.

busybox11 avatar Jul 16 '24 01:07 busybox11

Running into the same issue today on 0.32.0.

jackkrone avatar Aug 01 '24 21:08 jackkrone

Also running into this issue, thought i was going crazy while trying to debug

agcty avatar Aug 03 '24 16:08 agcty

Same here driving me crazy.. :(

		const affectedRows = await db.transaction(async (tx) => {
			// Perform the update within a transaction
			const [updateResult] = await tx.execute(
				sql`UPDATE ${projectsData} SET text_translated = REPLACE(text_translated, ${oldText}, ${newText})
            WHERE text_translated LIKE ${'%' + oldText + '%'}`

			// Get the number of affected rows
			const affectedRows = updateResult.affectedRows - 1;

			// Rollback the transaction to simulate without actual changes
			if (dryRun) {

			return affectedRows;

always drops to catch with error Rollback. Basically returning catch block. This is stupid... Bug is open for almost the year and still not fixed... :(

michalss avatar Aug 08 '24 07:08 michalss

Came across this when using Drizzle with sqlite. The problem is if you use an async callback the result is not awaited, so the transaction is free to commit, and the exception is raised outside the transaction.

I posted an issue on better-sqlite3 to make the callback work with both async & sync callbacks.


So this is not really a Drizzle bug, but a better-sqlite3 bug.

KpjComp avatar Sep 18 '24 11:09 KpjComp