Dries Vints
Dries Vints
The word "resource" is not soft reserved in PHP 7. We better find some other name for it to avoid conflicts in future versions. http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.other-reserved-words.php
This is an important one. Currently it's so that a top level allow or deny clears any lower level privilege or restriction. So for example, when you allow only an...
``` php $manager->caller($caller)->sync(array $actions, $resource = null, $resourceId = null); ``` This will remove all allowed permissions which aren't in the `$actions` list and add allowed permissions which are in...
I've come to the conclusion that it would be nice if resources could inherit permissions from other resources. For example, take a contact entity. The contact could be either a...
Currently the Unsplash component fails hard when a photo can't be found with `Undefined array key "urls"`. We should convert that into a readable exception based on the message returned...
When using https://blade-ui-kit.com/docs/0.x/carbon#human-readable, show the timezone at the end of the title.
Atm you're limited to passing coordinates for Markers. This prevents you from using extended features from Mapbox: https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/markers We'll need a way to easier pass marker configuration.
Provide more components for different input types. Not saying we should provide a component for every single one, just the ones that make sense. Like: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/color
A simple search component that integrates with Laravel Scout would be cool.