Dries Vints

Results 97 issues of Dries Vints

Add a sync command that will sync data for customers, subscriptions and orders. This would need to use the list api endpoints from Lemon Squeezy and then dispatch individual jobs...


Show a "looking for sponsors" slide when no sponsors are added. Link to https://fullstackbelgium.be/contact


At the Intracto event we'll need a third speaker slot. Since I suspect we'll be having this more at some points it's maybe best to provide fields for it which...


So LinkedIn, Twitter, etc can display when linked to. Maybe also take a look if the rest of the OG tags are filled in properly.


Not urgent or anything.


We don't use the dashboard and 99% of the time we probably need to edit an event.


Fixes https://github.com/laravel/cashier-paddle/issues/258