Dries Vints

Results 489 comments of Dries Vints

:warning: Many of the default drivers changed in Laravel 11. For example, the default database driver is `sqlite` and the default cache store is `database`. If you experience errors setting...

:information_source: All of the underlying Symfony components used by Laravel have been upgraded to Symfony 7.0. Shift detected references to Symfony classes within your application. These are most likely type...

:warning: Laravel 11 now includes a database driver for MariaDB. Previously the MySQL driver offered parity with MariaDB. However, with MariaDB 10.1, there are more database specific features available. If...

:tada: Congratulations, you're now running the latest version of Laravel! Next, you may optionally run the following _Shifts_ to ensure your application is fully upgraded, adopts the latest Laravel conventions,...

Yes definitely. I just haven't found time at all to look at this shift yet. Right now I don't have time in the forseeable future. I don't know any pointers...

Yeah definitely! I didn't get to that before the launch but it's on my list. Thanks for raising the issue.

:information_source: To slim down the Laravel installation, Laravel 11 no longer has most of the core files previously included in the default Laravel application. While you are welcome to publish...

:warning: The application bootstrapping has changed in Laravel 11. As a result, files like `artisan` and `public/index.php` were rewritten. Shift [overwrote these files](https://github.com/driesvints/driesvints.com/pull/106/commits/5e5047b149e7830df724d438066850daa1776053?w=1) but detected yours may have contained customizations....

:information_source: Laravel 11 no longer requires you to maintain the default configuration files. Your configuration [now merges with framework defaults](https://laravel-news.com/laravel11-streamlined-configs). Shift [streamlined your configuration files](https://github.com/driesvints/driesvints.com/pull/106/commits/ec182a90437e1de3f9efa11b5bdaccce97b2c658?w=1) by removing options that matched...

:information_source: Shift detected customized options within your configuration files which may be set with an `ENV` variable. To help keep your configuration files streamlined, you may set the following variables....