Dries Vints

Results 249 comments of Dries Vints

@greg0ire ok. In the meantime could we make a decision about my open PR? We need to act fast on it on our side to prevent more PRs from failing....

> But that basically means that we would need to issue a major version bump everytime we fix a pluralization rule, doesn't it? Basically yes, I think you need to...

Also want to make it clear that we've been using `doctrine/inflector` for years without any issue. I think we one time had a similar issue which was fixed right away.

@greg0ire I think for now it's best that we revert this PR since so many are affected. Then you can have some time to think about this.

Understood @derrabus, thank you for clarifying that. I think personally in that case we'll look into an approach where we'd tackle this in Laravel itself. We'd definitely want the outcome...

Marking this as ready for review so it can be reviewed. Thanks!

Thanks for reporting this @AlliBalliBaba. Would appreciate a PR if anyone can figure one out.

@AlliBalliBaba get well soon 👍