Dries Vints
Dries Vints
Closing this for now. Feel free to resend if you wan to continue work on this.
It's never meant for JsonResource to be resolved from core. Please see the docs: https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/eloquent-resources. Also see Tim's suggesting above.
I don't think we can make any real big changes to a method that has worked the same over all these years, sorry.
Hey there, Unfortunately we don't support this version anymore. Please check out [our support policy](https://laravel.com/docs/releases) on which versions we are currently supporting. Can you please try to upgrade to the...
Please don't remove `APP_KEY` from your env file.
Seems a PR was sent in. Thanks all.
I'm not sure about those characters sorry. If you want, you can send in a PR with a test in `testValidateAlpha`.
There are several breaking changes to method signatures in this PR.
This seems like a feature request. You're welcome to attempt a PR if you like 👍
@TheLevti I see the same thing as Taylor. Works on 9.x but get weird results on your branch.