icheck copied to clipboard
Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons (jQuery & Zepto)
I would like to be able to easily control the height and width of my checkboxes and radio buttons using an option or easily editable CSS statement. Is there are...
Hi All, I think I found an issue when try to use ngFor directive and iCheck if you try something like: ``` {{benefit.name}} ``` where icheck is an angular directive...
Unable to click when the window is resized to iPhone 6 device mode in Google Chrome. If we refresh the screen while in device mode it works fine. But when...
My set up - I have a table where each row has a checkbox (lets call them C1, C2, ... Cn) - At the top of the table I have...
Working with the current version (iCheck v1.0.2), when icheck controls are used on a form, the default button doesn't fire when the enter key is pressed. Is there a fix...
Hi guys, I need to initalize ~2000 input checkboxes. If I use the default function it takes ~1 minute. ```javascript $('[name=""]').iCheck({ checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal-green' }); ``` Is there a way to...
``` Checkboxes and radio buttons customization (jQuery and Zepto) plugin Checkbox 1 Enable/disable fieldset $(document).ready(function(){ $('.skin-minimal input').iCheck({ checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal', radioClass: 'iradio_minimal', increaseArea: '20%' }); }); ```
I have applied the icheck to a checkbox. but when I reset my form the checkbox remains checked. ``` Reset form ``` this is my checkbox code. How can I...
Will it be released for vanilla JS too?
May be someone have working solution to work with iCheck in ReactJS (web)?