icheck copied to clipboard
Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons (jQuery & Zepto)
is there a way to add custom data elements to this? i.e. when I check $(this).data() it's not there, how can I get it?
Before a check box is checked I have some validations, so if there are errors I don't want the check box be selected, for regular input we can use `event.stopPropagation();`...
Hi, I have a problem with div collapsing after un/check of iCheck. Don't know why is it happening. Any solution pls?
I was using v1.0.2 and getting issues with touch screen , however I was able t fixed it using the touchend event by adding with IfClicked event. However , after...
This apparently is a resolved issue in v1 but not in [v2.0](https://github.com/fronteed/icheck/tree/2.x#icheck-plugin-v20-rc1). Reference: Issue #168 When tabbing to a radio button, the focused radio button gets selected for no apparent...
I have an asp radiobtonlist on my page and add the items in code behind based on values from the database. This renders as labels and input elements in a...
Any keyup event (not only tab) on a radio button would call the operate() function, causing an unchecked radio button to toggle to a checked state. This fix restricts this...
Hi, Here is my html which loaded from ajax ` ` to solve this i found this ` jQuery(document).on('icheck', function(){ jQuery('input[type=checkbox]').iCheck({ checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-blue' }); }).trigger('icheck'); ` But loading inline checkbox
Nowhere in documentation shows an example how indeterminate checkbox is actually working. Besides true and false, checkbox can change indeterminate to true while the target.checked is true. Seems like ifIndeterminate...
Hi there I'm trying to get a pretty checkbox in asp.net to perform a postback method, but unfortunately iCheck prevents my code to execute. Is it possible that iCheck can...