grunt-connect-proxy copied to clipboard
proxy does not forward {post, patch, put} requests
so i have my back end service receiving proxy forwards at /api/0.1. my connect config looks like this:
connect: {
options: {
port: 9000,
hostname: "localhost",
livereload: 35729,
proxies: [
context: "/api/0.1",
host: "localhost",
port: 8000
livereload: {
options: {
open: true,
base: "<%= %>",
keepAlive: true,
debug: true,
middleware: function(connect, options, middlewares) {
var proxySnippet = require('grunt-connect-proxy/lib/utils').proxyRequest,
rewriteModule = require('http-rewrite-middleware');
options.base.forEach(function(base) {
{from : "^/static/(.*)", to: "/$1"}
return middlewares;
connect is successfully reaching the api backend on GET requests exclusively, while logging [D] server POST /api/0.1/login/ 405 0 - 0.183 ms
on any POST PUT PATCH requests before sending the request to the api backend (the backend is never sent the request).
i have tried adding changeOrigin: true, https: false, xforward: false
to the proxy config with the same results.
does any one know what is going on and how i can fix this?
+1, met the same issue, tried below two suggestions, but failed.
Had the same problem but turns out it is the order of the middlewares. In my case this did the trick:
middleware: function (connect, options, middlewares) { middlewares.unshift(require("grunt-connect-proxy/lib/utils").proxyRequest); middlewares.unshift(require("http-rewrite-middleware").getMiddleware( [ {from: "^/gat/(.*)$", to: "/$1"} ], { verbose: false })); return middlewares; }