Drew Roen
Drew Roen
Hello! I just wanted to point out the video on this page is marked private and cannot be viewed. --- #### Document Details ⚠ *Do not edit this section. It...
Cocoon has a [readiness check](https://cs.opensource.google/flutter/cocoon/+/main:app_dart/lib/src/request_handlers/readiness_check.dart) that is used to verify if the server is ready to handle requests. We could utilize this check to ensure that the server has associated...
Had a note in my calendar that this week the flutter cirrus key needs to be refreshed. This bug is just to track that.
We are installing slsa-verifier in our CI system for [flutter/cocoon](https://github.com/flutter/cocoon) based on the documentation provided [here](https://github.com/slsa-framework/slsa-verifier#option-1-install-via-go). We have enabled Dependabot to update the go modules automatically. Last week, Dependabot created...
Without this protection, it is possible to trigger a packaging build and upload an artifact with a sha that was not tagged as the "official" version. We want to make...