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GCFFlasher is the tool to program the firmware of dresden elektronik's Zigbee products.
GCFFlasher 4
GCFFlasher is the tool to program the firmware of dresden elektronik Zigbee products.
Supported Hardware
- ConBee I
- ConBee II
- ConBee III
- RaspBee I
- RaspBee II
- Hive
Supported platforms
The sources are POSIX compliant with a small platform specific layer, to make porting to different platforms easy.
- GNU/Linux (arm, aarch64 and amd64; mips and risc should work too but aren't tested)
- FreeBSD
- Windows
- macOS
- The current release is not yet included in the deCONZ package.
- The list command
is in development and only partially implemended. - The output logging is not streamlined yet.
- On macOS the
parameter is/dev/cu.usbmodemDE...
where ... is the serialnumber.
Building on Linux
The executable can be compiled without any dependencies, but it is recommended to install libgpiod
to support RaspBee I, RaspBee II and ConBee I.
- A C99 compiler like GCC or Clang
- Linux kernel version 4.8
- CMake
- pkg-config
- libgpiod
The executable doesn't link directly to libgpiod and will check at runtime if it is available via dlopen()
On Debian based distributions the build dependencies are installed by:
apt install pkg-config build-essential libgpiod-dev cmake make
Checkout this repository
Navigate to the source directory, e.g.
cd gcfflasher
Compile the executable with CMake
cmake -B build .
cmake --build build
The executable is build/GCFFlasher4
- (optional) create a .deb package
cd build
cpack -G DEB .
Building on Windows
Visual Studio with MSVC C++ compiler needs to be installed. Tested with VS 2022 but older versions should work fine as well. The executable has no external dependencies.
Checkout this repository
Open "x86 Native Tools Command Promt for VS 2022" via Windows Start Menu
Navigate to the source directory, e.g.
cd C:\gcfflasher
Compile the executable with CMake
cmake -B build .
cmake --build build --config Release
The executable is build\Release\GCFFlasher4.exe
Building on macOS
The executable can be compiled without any dependencies for ConBee II. To support ConBee I the library libftdi
needs to be installed.
- A C99 compiler like GCC or Clang
- CMake
- (optional) the
development package for ConBee I can be installed viabrew install libftdi
using Homebrew.
Checkout this repository
Navigate to the source directory, e.g.
cd gcfflasher
Compile the executable with CMake
cmake -B build .
cmake --build build
The executable is build/GCFFlasher4
$ ./GCFFlasher4
GCFFlasher v4.1.0 copyright dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh
usage: GCFFlasher <options>
-r force device reset without programming
-f <firmware> flash firmware file
-d <device> device number or path to use, e.g. 0, /dev/ttyUSB0 or RaspBee
-c connect and debug serial protocol
-t <timeout> retry until timeout (seconds) is reached
-l list devices
-h -? print this help
Building on FreeBSD
Checkout this repository
Navigate to the source directory, e.g.
cd gcfflasher
Compile the executable with the build script (with Clang)
cmake -B build .
cmake --build build
The executable is build/GCFFlasher4
Note: The serial USB device for a ConBee II is /dev/cuaU0
Differences to previous GCFFlasher version 3.17
- Open sourced under BSD-3-Clause License
- Doesn't require root privileges on Raspberry Pi
- Rewritten in C instead C++
- Smaller binary, with 25 Kb vs. previously 250 Kb + Qt libraries on Raspberry Pi
- No Qt, libWiringPi and libft2xx (FTDI) dependencies
- Easier to port to different platforms
- Suitable for headless systems and standalone setup which don't use deCONZ