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SYMFONISK Sound Controller only displays 50% battery power
Does the issue really belong here?
- [X] I definitively want to report a bug within deCONZ or its REST-API
Is there already an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues and there is none for the bug at hand
Describe the bug
The SYMFONISK Sound Controller E1744 only displays 50% battery power after insert of a brand new battery.
Steps to reproduce the behavior
- change the battery
- check the value of battery power
Expected behavior
It should display a real value, close to 100% after inserting of a brand new battery.
No response
- Host system: macOS 14.3
- Running method: deConz App, runs with Rosetta
- Firmware version: ConBee II 26780700 / ConBee III 264f0900
- deCONZ version (not Home assistant Addon version!): 2.25.1
- Device: ConBee II / ConBee III
- Do you use an USB extension cable: yes
- Is there any other USB or serial devices connected to the host system? If so: USB Stick
deCONZ Logs
No response
Additional context
I have changed the DDF file (symfonisk_sound_contoller.json) as follows to fix it for now:
{ "schema": "devcap1.schema.json", "manufacturername": "$MF_IKEA", "modelid": "SYMFONISK Sound Controller", "product": "SYMFONISK Sound Controller - E1744", "sleeper": true, "status": "Gold", "subdevices": [ { "type": "$TYPE_SWITCH", "restapi": "/sensors", "uuid": [ "$address.ext", "0x01", "0x1000" ], "fingerprint": { "profile": "0x0104", "device": "0x0006", "endpoint": "0x01", "in": [ "0x0000", "0x0001", "0x1000" ], "out": [ "0x0006", "0x0008" ] }, "items": [ { "name": "attr/id" }, { "name": "attr/lastannounced" }, { "name": "attr/lastseen" }, { "name": "attr/manufacturername" }, { "name": "attr/modelid" }, { "name": "attr/name" }, { "name": "attr/productid", "parse": { "fn": "zcl:attr", "ep": 1, "cl": "0x0000", "at": "0x000A", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val" }, "read": { "fn": "zcl:attr", "ep": 1, "cl": "0x0000", "at": "0x000A" }, "refresh.interval": 86400 }, { "name": "attr/swversion" }, { "name": "attr/type" }, { "name": "attr/uniqueid" }, { "name": "config/alert" }, { "name": "config/battery", "awake": true, "parse": { "fn": "zcl:attr", "ep": 1, "cl": "0x0001", "at": "0x0021", "eval": "Item.val = Math.round(Attr.val)" }, "default": 0, "read": { "fn": "zcl:attr", "ep": 1, "cl": "0x0001", "at": "0x0021" }, "refresh.interval": 86400 }, { "name": "config/on" }, { "name": "config/reachable" }, { "name": "state/buttonevent", "awake": true }, { "name": "state/lastupdated" } ] }, { "type": "$TYPE_RELATIVE_ROTARY", "restapi": "/sensors", "uuid": [ "$address.ext", "0x01", "0x0008" ], "fingerprint": { "profile": "0x0104", "device": "0x0006", "endpoint": "0x01", "in": [ "0x0000", "0x0001", "0x1000" ], "out": [ "0x0006", "0x0008" ] }, "items": [ { "name": "attr/id" }, { "name": "attr/lastannounced" }, { "name": "attr/lastseen" }, { "name": "attr/manufacturername" }, { "name": "attr/modelid" }, { "name": "attr/name" }, { "name": "attr/productid", "parse": { "fn": "zcl:attr", "ep": 1, "cl": "0x0000", "at": "0x000A", "eval": "Item.val = Attr.val" }, "read": { "fn": "none" } }, { "name": "attr/swversion" }, { "name": "attr/type" }, { "name": "attr/uniqueid" }, { "name": "config/alert" }, { "name": "config/battery", "awake": true, "parse": { "fn": "zcl:attr", "ep": 1, "cl": "0x0001", "at": "0x0021", "eval": "Item.val = Math.round(Attr.val)" }, "default": 0 }, { "name": "config/on" }, { "name": "config/reachable" }, { "name": "state/expectedeventduration" }, { "name": "state/expectedrotation" }, { "name": "state/lastupdated" }, { "name": "state/rotaryevent", "awake": true, "parse": { "fn": "zcl:cmd", "ep": 1, "cl": "0x0008", "cmd": "0x01", "script": "0008_rotaryevent.js" } } ] } ], "bindings": [ { "bind": "unicast", "src.ep": 1, "cl": "0x0006" }, { "bind": "unicast", "src.ep": 1, "cl": "0x0008" }, { "bind": "unicast", "src.ep": 1, "cl": "0x0001", "report": [ { "at": "0x0021", "dt": "0x20", "min": 300, "max": 2700, "change": "0x01" } ] } ] }
Can you share a screenshot of the Power config cluster after reading it?
I'm not sure, but like some examples I think you means the 0001. Please, but I think we have an additional problem. I don't see any information (deConz 2.25.1 on macOS). Do I have to activate other options to see it?
Asked devs to check.
I think we have an additional problem. I don't see any information
Looks like general.xml
is corrupt (or cannot be opened).
The SYMFONISK Sound Controller E1744 only displays 50% battery power after insert of a brand new battery.
The controller probably doesn't run the latest firmware, which reports battery in 0.5% (as per the standard). We hacked something to check the firmware version for some of the other IKEA devices, see e.g.
it was set an path in preferences to: /private/var/folders/8t/0928_fc17xn5854vv17n4q9m0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/0C9B23BF-6A55-485D-9752-42A7EE3B9561/d/
It was only possible to follow to: /private/var/folders/8t/0928_fc17xn5854vv17n4q9m0000gp/T ...but not more
I found the general.xml file in the App package: /Applications/
It was not possible to set the settings to this path, because it is in the App package, so I copied it to: /Users/home/Library/Application Support/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/general.xml ...and set the path in the preferences.
Now it looks better. However, the path should already be set with the installation.
now I can show the Power config cluster:
I will report the changings of DDF later...
The cluster shows 100% here, so that seems to be correct :)
I have 4x SYMFONISK Sound Controller's. 1x with 2.1.022 3x with 2.1.024. I have copied the DDF file to: /Users/home/Library/Application Support/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices/symfonisk_sound_contoller.json (also /Users/home/Library/Application Support/dresden-elektronik/deCONZ/devices/0008_rotaryevent.js) and changed line 87 and 187 to your code. We have two places in this file for config/battery. The normal and the rotary event.
I will watch it a while and report later.
Many thanks for your support
One more question, does the wrong path to general.xml also affect other functions / files? What else would be stored in this path? /private/var/folders/8t/0928_fc17xn5854vv17n4q9m0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/0C9B23BF-6A55-485D-9752-42A7EE3B9561/d/
As there has not been any response in 21 days, this issue has been automatically marked as stale. At OP: Please either close this issue or keep it active It will be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs.
As there has not been any response in 28 days, this issue will be closed. @ OP: If this issue is solved post what fixed it for you. If it is not solved, request to get this opened again.