Jon Escombe
Jon Escombe
Hi @MrKapim I received my H723 dev board, and found a couple of issues. Can you try this new build please? [](
Hmm unsure then. Have tested USB CDC successfully on my dev board here.. Have you tried attaching a terminal program to the port, no output on startup? Only significant difference...
Good news it's at least starting correctly now. Have you looked at the [Trinamic plugin]( page? While troubleshooting, it may be worth enabling just the X axis ($338 setting) for...
Hi, afraid I'm still travelling at the moment, without access to any development hardware.. There was [this]( issue raised on the H7 repo, but it shouldn't affect the PlatformIO or...
Hi, just back home and looking into this. It does appear to be working fine for me. Testing with a single 5160 breakout board attached via jumper wires, as I...
> For testing, I put in the standard firmware, and the dimensions of X, Y and Z only. No other information has been added and even so, the drivers not...
Hi, am a bit confused, you shouldn't have to change anything for compilation to complete. The CI workflow test builds all environments from platformio.ini each time the H7 GitHub repo...
Could you paste the output from `$i`, `$pins`, and `$$` commands? When testing, I usually set `$338=1`, which just enables the X axis driver. Do you have access to an...
> the infos. Thanks, that all looks correct to me. And you've tried (for instance) setting `$338=1` to enable just the X axis driver - makes no difference?
> One note... the version of the grbl is out of date (when I downloaded it via github, I cloned it)... Is expected, the driver needs updating for core changes...