
Results 106 issues of dreirund

### QtAV, Qt version and platform * QtAV: Latest checkout from this git repository, commit ID: fdc613dc99304f208cff0bb25b3ded14bb993237 from 2023-02-26 * Qt: `qt5ct * Platform: [Artix GNU/Linux](http://artixlinux.org/) (rolling release) * Compiler:...

When I compile (with GCC 13.1.1), build fails with `geometry.hpp:9:24: error: found ‘:’ in nested-name-specifier, expected ‘::’` and subsequent errors `error: ‘FeatureType’ has not been declared`. I have run: Complete...

When I want to build and pass `-DMBGL_WITH_QT=ON` to `cmake`, `cmake` fails with ``` CMake Error at /usr/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui/Qt5Gui_QPbfPlugin.cmake:4 (_populate_Gui_plugin_properties): _populate_Gui_plugin_properties Macro invoked with incorrect arguments for macro named: _populate_Gui_plugin_properties Call...

Currently, the metainformation to this software says that the required `httpx` needs to be a version lower than 0.24.0. (See, for example, `setup.py`.) But currently, 0.24.0 is out. So can...


# Issue The [`README.md`](https://github.com/tizonia/tizonia-openmax-il/blob/master/README.md#L285) has a links and mentiones to the Arch Linux AUR package `tizonia-all`: > `````markdown > [tizonia-all](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tizonia-all/) [...] > [...] > - [tizonia-all (for the latest released...

# Issue ## Description After update of [`taglib`](https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/taglib/) from version 1.13.1 to 2.0 build of `tizonia` fails with `tizprobe.hpp:122:9: error: ‘TagLib::uint’ has not been declared`. ## Steps to Reproduce 1....

When I try to build this software with `-Dtest=true` passed to `meson setup`, build fails with: ``` [4/234] cc -Iclients/youtube/libtizyoutube/tests/check_tizyoutube.p -Iclients/youtube/libtizyoutube/tests -I../tizonia/clients/youtube/libtizyoutube/tests -Iclients/youtube/libtizyoutube/src -I../tizonia/clients/youtube/libtizyoutube/src -I/tmp/makepkg/build/tizonia-all-git/src/build -fdiagnostics-color=always -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -Wall -Winvalid-pch -DHAVE_CONFIG_H...

When I run `meson setup --prefix=/usr --buildtype=plain -Dlibspotify=false tizonia-openmax-il build`, it prints out ``` [...] Run-time dependency libev found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake) [...] ``` But I have `libev`...

Ahoj, # Issue ## Description Building from source (using the [Arch Linux AUR package "`tizonia-all-git`"](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tizonia-all-git)) fails for me with ``` [96/342] ccache c++ -Iclients/chromecast/libtizchromecast/src/libtizchromecast.so.0.22.0.p -Iclients/chromecast/libtizchromecast/src -I../tizonia-all-git/clients/chromecast/libtizchromecast/src -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/python3.10 -I/[...]/src/build -flto=auto...

Ahoj, thanks for the software! Your build system fetches and uses dependencies on it's own (e.g. iMath, OpenEXR). This is undesirable on Unix-systems, where it is desirable and clean to...