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No Products Passed Through To Order BREAD when Overwriting Voyager

Open rossi99 opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments

I've run into an issue when creating the 'Orders' view on Voyager. I am overwriting the voyager view 'read.blade.php' for my order table. I also have my BREAD linked to a Controller called OrdersController.php, just like part 18 in the series.

Here is my OrderController.php:


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Voyager;

use App\Order;
use Validator;
use App\iamlush;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use TCG\Voyager\Facades\Voyager;
use TCG\Voyager\Events\BreadDataAdded;
use TCG\Voyager\Events\BreadDataUpdated;
use TCG\Voyager\Http\Controllers\VoyagerBaseController;

class OrdersController extends VoyagerBaseController
    //                _____
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    //  Read an item of our Data Type B(R)EAD

    public function show(Request $request, $id)
        $slug = $this->getSlug($request);

        $dataType = Voyager::model('DataType')->where('slug', '=', $slug)->first();

        $isSoftDeleted = false;

        if (strlen($dataType->model_name) != 0) {
            $model = app($dataType->model_name);

            // Use withTrashed() if model uses SoftDeletes and if toggle is selected
            if ($model && in_array(SoftDeletes::class, class_uses_recursive($model))) {
                $model = $model->withTrashed();
            if ($dataType->scope && $dataType->scope != '' && method_exists($model, 'scope'.ucfirst($dataType->scope))) {
                $model = $model->{$dataType->scope}();
            $dataTypeContent = call_user_func([$model, 'findOrFail'], $id);
            if ($dataTypeContent->deleted_at) {
                $isSoftDeleted = true;
        } else {
            // If Model doest exist, get data from table name
            $dataTypeContent = DB::table($dataType->name)->where('id', $id)->first();

        // Replace relationships' keys for labels and create READ links if a slug is provided.
        $dataTypeContent = $this->resolveRelations($dataTypeContent, $dataType, true);

        // If a column has a relationship associated with it, we do not want to show that field
        $this->removeRelationshipField($dataType, 'read');

        // Check permission
        $this->authorize('read', $dataTypeContent);

        // Check if BREAD is Translatable
        $isModelTranslatable = is_bread_translatable($dataTypeContent);

        // Eagerload Relations
        $this->eagerLoadRelations($dataTypeContent, $dataType, 'read', $isModelTranslatable);

        $view = '';

        if (view()->exists("voyager::$")) {
            $view = "voyager::$";

        $order = Order::find($id);
        $products = $order->iamlush;  // this is my version of 'products'

        return Voyager::view($view, compact('dataType', 'dataTypeContent', 'isModelTranslatable', 'isSoftDeleted', 'products'));

Here you can see the section that takes the order and the products with it:

$order = Order::find($id);      (this gets the order id)
$products = $order->iamlush;    (this gets the product info and is there retutned below)

return Voyager::view($view, compact('dataType', 'dataTypeContent', 'isModelTranslatable', 'isSoftDeleted', 'products'));

My override 'read.blade.php' is the same as the normal apart from one section:

<div class="panel-heading" style="border-bottom:0;">
    <h3 class="panel-title">Products In Order</h3>

<div class="panel-body" style="padding-top:0;">
        @foreach ($products as $product)
            <li style="margin-bottom: 10px">
                <div>Product Id: {{ $product->id }}</div>
                <div>Product Name: {{ $product->name }}</div>
                <div>Product Price: {{ $product->presentPrice() }}</div>
                <div>Product Quantity: {{ $product->pivot->quantity }}</div>

This should return all the data held in my database but instead, I get this error:

Screenshot 2020-07-12 at 17 22 21

To see what was being output I added dd() just before the return:

$order = Order::find($id);      (this gets the order id)
$products = $order->iamlushes;    (this gets the product info and is there retutned below)


return Voyager::view($view, compact('dataType', 'dataTypeContent', 'isModelTranslatable', 'isSoftDeleted', 'products'));

And changed the '$order->iamlush' to different things here is the output:

$order = Order::find($id);
$products = $order->iamlush;

Screenshot 2020-07-12 at 17 29 09
$order = Order::find($id);
$products = $order->iamlushes;

Screenshot 2020-07-12 at 17 29 09
$order = Order::find($id);
$products = $order->products;

Screenshot 2020-07-12 at 17 30 08
$order = Order::find($id);
$products = $order->product;

Screenshot 2020-07-12 at 17 31 00

Here is my GitLab Repo:


rossi99 avatar Jul 12 '20 16:07 rossi99