Pine64-Arch copied to clipboard
Doesn't boot after pacman update
- Device: PineTab
- Kernel Version : $(uname -r)
- UI: even minimal is broken
Steps to reproduce
download and flash latest Arch release. boot it (first boot works), do a pacman -Syu
Expected behavior
screen shows the penguin arch logo and boots the kernel
Actual behavior
Keyboard lights up, screen stays blank. installing linux-megi-5.17.0-2-aarch64
Logfiles and additional information
serial console boot log:
U-Boot SPL 2022.01-4 (Feb 17 2022 - 20:19:02 +0000)
DRAM: 2048 MiB
Trying to boot from MMC1
NOTICE: BL31: v2.6(debug):
NOTICE: BL31: Built : 20:19:02, Feb 17 2022
NOTICE: BL31: Detected Allwinner A64/H64/R18 SoC (1689)
NOTICE: BL31: Found U-Boot DTB at 0x208a4b0, model: PineTab, Development Sample
INFO: ARM GICv2 driver initialized
INFO: Configuring SPC Controller
INFO: PMIC: Probing AXP803 on RSB
INFO: PMIC: dcdc1 voltage: 3.300V
INFO: PMIC: dcdc5 voltage: 1.200V
INFO: PMIC: dcdc6 voltage: 1.100V
INFO: PMIC: dldo1 voltage: 3.300V
INFO: PMIC: dldo3 voltage: 2.800V
INFO: PMIC: dldo4 voltage: 3.300V
INFO: PMIC: fldo1 voltage: 1.200V
INFO: PMIC: Enabling DC SW
INFO: BL31: Platform setup done
INFO: BL31: Initializing runtime services
INFO: BL31: cortex_a53: CPU workaround for 843419 was applied
INFO: BL31: cortex_a53: CPU workaround for 855873 was applied
INFO: BL31: cortex_a53: CPU workaround for 1530924 was applied
INFO: PSCI: Suspend is available via SCPI
INFO: BL31: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world
INFO: Entry point address = 0x4a000000
INFO: SPSR = 0x3c9
U-Boot 2022.01-4 (Feb 17 2022 - 20:19:02 +0000) DanctNIX ARM
CPU: Allwinner A64 (SUN50I)
Model: PineTab, Development Sample
DRAM Clock: 528 MHz
WDT: Not starting watchdog@1c20ca0
MMC: mmc@1c0f000: 0, mmc@1c10000: 2, mmc@1c11000: 1
Loading Environment from FAT... Unable to read "uboot.env" from mmc0:1... In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
Set ram_freq : 528
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0 is current device
Scanning mmc 0:1...
Found U-Boot script /boot.scr
47124480 bytes read in 1952 ms (23 MiB/s)
## Executing script at 4fc00000
Wrong image format for "source" command
SCRIPT FAILED: continuing...
libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
Scanning disk [email protected]...
Card did not respond to voltage select! : -110
Scanning disk [email protected]...
Disk [email protected] not ready
Scanning disk [email protected]...
Found 6 disks
No EFI system partition
BootOrder not defined
EFI boot manager: Cannot load any image
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc1(part 0) is current device
Scanning mmc 1:1...
Found U-Boot script /boot.scr
998 bytes read in 3 ms (324.2 KiB/s)
## Executing script at 4fc00000
Booting from SD
boot_a_script=load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${scriptaddr} ${prefix}${script}; source ${scriptaddr}
boot_efi_binary=load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${kernel_addr_r} efi/boot/bootaa64.efi; if fdt addr ${fdt_addr_r}; then bootefi ${kernel_addr_r} ${fdt_addr_r};else bootefi ${kernel_addr_r} ${fdtcontroladdr};fi
boot_efi_bootmgr=if fdt addr ${fdt_addr_r}; then bootefi bootmgr ${fdt_addr_r};else bootefi bootmgr;fi
boot_extlinux=sysboot ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} any ${scriptaddr} ${prefix}${boot_syslinux_conf}
boot_prefixes=/ /boot/
boot_scripts=boot.scr.uimg boot.scr
boot_targets=fel mmc_auto pxe dhcp
bootargs=init=/ rw console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 earlycon=uart,mmio32,0x01c28000 panic=10 consoleblank=0 loglevel=1 fbcon=rotate:1 PMOS_NO_OUTPUT_REDIRECT PMOS_FORCE_PARTITION_RESIZE pmos_boot=/dev/mmcblk0p1 pmos_root=/dev/mmcblk0p2
bootcmd=run distro_bootcmd
bootcmd_dhcp=devtype=dhcp; if dhcp ${scriptaddr} ${boot_script_dhcp}; then source ${scriptaddr}; fi;setenv efi_fdtfile ${fdtfile}; setenv efi_old_vci ${bootp_vci};setenv efi_old_arch ${bootp_arch};setenv bootp_vci PXEClient:Arch:00011:UNDI:003000;setenv bootp_arch 0xb;if dhcp ${kernel_addr_r}; then tftpboot ${fdt_addr_r} dtb/${efi_fdtfile};if fdt addr ${fdt_;
bootcmd_fel=if test -n ${fel_booted} && test -n ${fel_scriptaddr}; then echo '(FEL boot)'; source ${fel_scriptaddr}; fi
bootcmd_mmc0=devnum=0; run mmc_boot
bootcmd_mmc1=devnum=1; run mmc_boot
bootcmd_mmc_auto=if test ${mmc_bootdev} -eq 1; then run bootcmd_mmc1; run bootcmd_mmc0; elif test ${mmc_bootdev} -eq 0; then run bootcmd_mmc0; run bootcmd_mmc1; fi
bootcmd_pxe=dhcp; if pxe get; then pxe boot; fi
dfu_alt_info_ram=kernel ram 0x40080000 0x1000000;fdt ram 0x4FA00000 0x100000;ramdisk ram 0x4FF00000 0x4000000
distro_bootcmd=for target in ${boot_targets}; do run bootcmd_${target}; done
efi_dtb_prefixes=/ /dtb/ /dtb/current/
load_efi_dtb=load ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${fdt_addr_r} ${prefix}${efi_fdtfile}
mmc_boot=if mmc dev ${devnum}; then devtype=mmc; run scan_dev_for_boot_part; fi
scan_dev_for_boot=echo Scanning ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart}...; for prefix in ${boot_prefixes}; do run scan_dev_for_extlinux; run scan_dev_for_scripts; done;run scan_dev_for_efi;
scan_dev_for_boot_part=part list ${devtype} ${devnum} -bootable devplist; env exists devplist || setenv devplist 1; for distro_bootpart in ${devplist}; do if fstype ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} bootfstype; then run scan_dev_for_boot; fi; done; setenv devplist
scan_dev_for_efi=setenv efi_fdtfile ${fdtfile}; for prefix in ${efi_dtb_prefixes}; do if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${prefix}${efi_fdtfile}; then run load_efi_dtb; fi;done;run boot_efi_bootmgr;if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} efi/boot/bootaa64.efi; then echo Found EFI removable media binary efi/boot/bootaa64.efi; run boe
scan_dev_for_extlinux=if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${prefix}${boot_syslinux_conf}; then echo Found ${prefix}${boot_syslinux_conf}; run boot_extlinux; echo SCRIPT FAILED: continuing...; fi
scan_dev_for_scripts=for script in ${boot_scripts}; do if test -e ${devtype} ${devnum}:${distro_bootpart} ${prefix}${script}; then echo Found U-Boot script ${prefix}${script}; run boot_a_script; echo SCRIPT FAILED: continuing...; fi; done
Environment size: 4710/131068 bytes
Loading DTB
Failed to load 'sun50i-a64-pinetab.dtb'
Loading Initramfs
Failed to load 'uInitrd'
Loading Kernel
Failed to load 'vmlinuz'
Resizing FDT
libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
No FDT memory address configured. Please configure
the FDT address via "fdt addr <address>" command.
Booting kernel
Bad Linux ARM64 Image magic!
SCRIPT FAILED: continuing...
libfdt fdt_check_header(): FDT_ERR_BADMAGIC
BootOrder not defined
EFI boot manager: Cannot load any image
No ethernet found.
Here is the uboot log before doing the pacman update (good boot):
U-Boot 2022.01-4 (Feb 17 2022 - 20:19:02 +0000) DanctNIX ARM
CPU: Allwinner A64 (SUN50I)
Model: PineTab, Development Sample
DRAM Clock: 528 MHz
WDT: Not starting watchdog@1c20ca0
MMC: mmc@1c0f000: 0, mmc@1c10000: 2, mmc@1c11000: 1
Loading Environment from FAT... Unable to read "uboot.env" from mmc0:1... In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: No ethernet found.
Set ram_freq : 528
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
switch to partitions #0, OK
mmc0 is current device
Scanning mmc 0:1...
Found U-Boot script /boot.scr
1491 bytes read in 2 ms (727.5 KiB/s)
## Executing script at 4fc00000
gpio: pin 98 (gpio 98) value is 1
Booting from SD
Loading kernel...
8143420 bytes read in 339 ms (22.9 MiB/s)
Uncompressing kernel...
Uncompressed size: 19873800 = 0x12F4008
Loading initramfs...
7348473 bytes read in 307 ms (22.8 MiB/s)
Loading dtb...
45100 bytes read in 7 ms (6.1 MiB/s)
Resizing FDT
Adding FTD RAM clock
memory {
ram_freq = "528";
Loading user script
Failed to load '/user.scr'
No user script found
gpio: pin 98 (gpio 98) value is 0
Moving Image from 0x40080000 to 0x40200000, end=41560000
## Flattened Device Tree blob at 4fa00000
Booting using the fdt blob at 0x4fa00000
Loading Ramdisk to 498fd000, end 49fff0f9 ... OK
Loading Device Tree to 00000000498ee000, end 00000000498fcfff ... OK
Starting kernel ...
[ 0.203595] lima 1c40000.gpu: dev_pm_opp_set_regulators: no regulator (mali) found: -19
[ 19.572923] ov5640 3-004c: uploaded firmware didn't start, got to 0x7f, retrying...
[ 19.893008] ov5640 3-004c: uploaded firmware didn't start, got to 0x7f
[ 19.899655] ov5640 3-004c: ov5640_set_ctrl_focus: no autofocus firmware loaded
Arch Linux 5.16.10-1-danctnix (ttyS0)
after manually running mkscr
after doing pacman update, it boots again. there must be something blocking pacman from automatically running this?
It should automatically run it, probably the command failed.
could this have something to do with tow-boot? pinetab boots after downgrading to linux-megi-5.16.15-1
We haven't started the transition from U-Boot to Tow-Boot yet.
something i noticed during pacman update
Applying kernel sysctl settings...
Couldn't write '16' to 'kernel/sysrq', ignoring: No such file or directory
here is the kernel serial log for any wizards who might know what's going wrong
Starting kernel ...
[ 4.756595] lima 1c40000.gpu: dev_pm_opp_set_regulators: no regulator (mali) found: -19
[ 9.031521] Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 0000000000000290
[ 9.040420] Mem abort info:
[ 9.043930] ESR = 0x96000004
[ 9.047445] EC = 0x25: DABT (current EL), IL = 32 bits
[ 9.052913] SET = 0, FnV = 0
[ 9.056022] EA = 0, S1PTW = 0
[ 9.059214] FSC = 0x04: level 0 translation fault
[ 9.064132] Data abort info:
[ 9.067041] ISV = 0, ISS = 0x00000004
[ 9.070907] CM = 0, WnR = 0
[ 9.076249] user pgtable: 4k pages, 48-bit VAs, pgdp=0000000042334000
[ 9.083695] [0000000000000290] pgd=0000000000000000, p4d=0000000000000000
[ 9.090571] Internal error: Oops: 96000004 [#1] PREEMPT SMP
[ 9.096146] Modules linked in:
[ 9.099307] CPU: 1 PID: 59 Comm: kworker/u8:3 Not tainted 5.17.0-2-danctnix #1
[ 9.107210] Hardware name: PineTab, Development Sample (DT)
[ 9.112781] Workqueue: events_unbound deferred_probe_work_func
[ 9.118626] pstate: 80000005 (Nzcv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)
[ 9.125584] pc : of_drm_find_panel+0x78/0xd0
[ 9.129856] lr : of_drm_find_panel+0x4c/0xd0
[ 9.134124] sp : ffff80000966bb40
[ 9.137438] x29: ffff80000966bb40 x28: 0000000000000000 x27: 0000000000000000
[ 9.144575] x26: ffff80000933f640 x25: ffff00000180700d x24: ffff8000092f35a0
[ 9.151712] x23: 0000000000000036 x22: 0000000000000000 x21: ffff8000092f0fb8
[ 9.158849] x20: ffff00007fbe7888 x19: ffff00000944a780 x18: 0000000000000000
[ 9.165986] x17: ffff800008c694f0 x16: 0000000000000000 x15: 0000000000000000
[ 9.173122] x14: 0000000000000001 x13: 0000000000000002 x12: 0000000000000040
[ 9.180257] x11: 0000000000000003 x10: 0101010101010101 x9 : 0000000000000000
[ 9.187394] x8 : 7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f x7 : fefefeff646c606d x6 : 1d150c11f5f38080
[ 9.194530] x5 : 00007375110c151d x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : ffff8000092f0fb8
[ 9.201667] x2 : ffff8000092f0fd8 x1 : 0000000000000000 x0 : ffff00000944a7a0
[ 9.208805] Call trace:
[ 9.211249] of_drm_find_panel+0x78/0xd0
[ 9.215173] sun6i_dsi_attach+0x20/0x84
[ 9.219014] mipi_dsi_attach+0x2c/0x40
[ 9.222764] ili9881c_dsi_probe+0x100/0x180
[ 9.226948] mipi_dsi_drv_probe+0x24/0x30
[ 9.230958] really_probe.part.0+0x9c/0x2fc
[ 9.235143] __driver_probe_device+0x98/0x144
[ 9.239502] driver_probe_device+0xc4/0x15c
[ 9.243687] __device_attach_driver+0xb4/0x120
[ 9.248132] bus_for_each_drv+0x78/0xd0
[ 9.251969] __device_attach+0xdc/0x184
[ 9.255806] device_initial_probe+0x14/0x20
[ 9.259991] bus_probe_device+0x9c/0xa4
[ 9.263827] deferred_probe_work_func+0x88/0xc0
[ 9.268358] process_one_work+0x1d0/0x350
[ 9.269883] sunxi-mmc 1c10000.mmc: initialized, max. request size: 16384 KB, uses new timings mode
[ 9.272369] worker_thread+0x2c0/0x460
[ 9.285063] kthread+0x10c/0x110
[ 9.288295] ret_from_fork+0x10/0x20
[ 9.291879] Code: d1008033 eb02003f 540001a0 f9400261 (f9414821)
[ 9.297712] mmc1: new high speed SDIO card at address 0001
[ 9.297968] ---[ end trace 0000000000000000 ]---
[ 9.445010] mmc2: new DDR MMC card at address 0001
[ 9.450784] mmcblk2: mmc2:0001 DA4064 58.2 GiB
[ 9.457785] mmcblk2: p1 p2
[ 9.465747] mmcblk2boot0: mmc2:0001 DA4064 4.00 MiB
[ 9.476626] mmcblk2boot1: mmc2:0001 DA4064 4.00 MiB
[ 15.070972] sun4i-drm display-engine: [drm] Cannot find any crtc or sizes
[ 38.744473] random: crng init done
issue still present with updated kernel today
The same oops seems to also occur with the PinePhone Pro, the latest kernel update should fix this.
it is still broken and has the same oops and NULL pointer dereference.
More info: I manually installed manjaro kernel 5.17.5-2-MANJARO-ARM
( which has less patches, and patched uboot.txt to use that uncompressed kernel.
things started working.
So i think its safe to deduce that some patch is causing this issue in pinetab.
Still having this issue on my Pinephone Pro, running the mkscr file in shared storage mode doesn't seem to do anything.
This issue is for the PineTab.
For the PinePhone Pro, we're aware but unable to reproduce it. Please move this discussion to #418 .
@Danct12 Can you try creating a pinetab build with this kernel config:
I just submitted a pull request which seems to fix the issue. I grabbed a patch from postmarketOS that seems to do the trick without compiling the panel as a module; I presume compiling it as a module just works around whatever timing issue this patch to the panel fixes.
I have a hastily compiled version of the linux-megi package (without the bootspash and dev-edition patches) available for testing here. My PR includes these patches again though.