Ok some update. For 3.3.7 on Windows 7, there is a fix. Right click on the EXE -> properties -> check " 'disable desktop composition" and the mouse will work...
Is it possible to fix this for 3.3.7, as 3.3.8 performance is very very slow on Windows 10 :(.
Btw I cannot run Shoes 3.3.8 on Windows VM. Probably some driver thing.
hehehe :). Thanks @ccoupe. I will be happy to see some examples on how this method is presented on the canvas.
Just for the note I use shoes 3.3.2 on a corporate windows 10 (which is highly secured). No issues so far. With the same success I am building and installing...
Thanks. I was using the current prod 3.3.2. With 3.3.3 it works fine but when I do a search for some reason it duplicates the results. Try for example to...
@BackOrder nice idea! I opened "align" page and the word is actually referred numerous times (4 or 5). I tried the same with dash - it has the word in...
I will try to dig something on my own tomorrow :D.
Thanks!! I found the issue for duplication! Article gets duplicated when the searched word can be found both in header and body at least once.
here is the following test: 1. Dash - multiple times only in body - Search gives 1 result. 2. Dash - once in header once (or more) in body =...