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INSET: Sentence Infilling with Inter-sentential Transformer

INSET: INter-SEntential Transformer

This repository contains the implementation for "INSET: Sentence Infilling with INter-SEntential Transformer" (ACL2020).


Talk and slides

A video presentation of our work is available here.

The slides of our work are available here.

Live demo

The live demo is available now! It can be found here. Please expect delay or crash as it is running on a single GPU machine.


We only provide our pre-processed TripAdvisor dataset of hotel reviews. The dataset file can be downloaded here.

Please decompress the downloaded file into the dataset folder under the main directory of this repo:

tar -xzvf dataset.tar.gz

After the decompression, you will see the following files:

tripadvisor_review_processed_uncut.json: The main dataset file with minimum pre-processing. This file is a list of paragraphs, and each paragraph is a list of sentences.

sents_derep_bert_train_mask.json, sents_derep_bert_train.json, sents_derep_gpt_train.json, sents_derep_gpt_test.json: These four files are derived from the main dataset file above. They are lists of sentences. The sentences in them have been tokenized by BERT and GPT tokenizers, converted into BERT and GPT token ids, and separated into train and test splits. Furthermore, in the first file masks have been used so that our denoising sentence autoencoder can be directly trained with these four files. If you would like to see the texts (rather than token ids) of the sentences, you can use the GPT tokenizer to convert token ids back to natural sentences.

trip_cut_train_denoising.json, trip_derep_val.json: These two files are the train and validation splits used for training our sentence-level transformer. They are lists of pairs of indices. Here, a pair of indices (i, j) represents a 7-sentence subparagraph consisting of sentences j, j+1, ..., j+6 in the i'th paragraph of the main dataset file tripadvisor_review_processed_uncut.json.

Please refer to Subsection 4.1 of our paper for more details on pre-processing the dataset.

Our checkpoint models

Our checkpoint models and the config files can be downloaded here.

Please decompress the downloaded file into the models folder under the main directory of this repo:

tar -xzvf models.tar.gz

After the decompression, you will see the following files/folder:

117M: This folder contains the 117M pre-trained GPT checkpoint, its vocabulary and config files.

BERT-pretrain-1-step-5000.pkl, PRE-pretrain-1-step-5000.pkl, GPT-pretrain-1-step-5000.pkl: Our checkpoint model for the denoising autoencoder. The first file is the BERT-like encoder. The second file is an intermediate component that enables feeding the sentence embedding into the GPT-like decoder (the third file).

BERTsent-8-step-1721.pkl: Our checkpoint model for the sentence-level transformer.

Instructions on using our code

Setup Conda Environment

Please use the commands below to clone, install the requirements and load the Conda environment (note that Cuda 10 is required):

sudo apt-get install -y make wget gzip bzip2 xz-utils zstd
conda env create -f LSP-linux.yml -n LSP
conda activate LSP

If you run this on an architecture other than Linux, please use LSP-generic.yml instead of LSP-linux.yml but please note that the generic one is not tested in all platform, so the stablity can not be guaranteed.

Decoding with your own input file (generation with our checkpoint model)

Please put an input.txt (see the input.txt file in this repo for an example) into the main directory, with \t seperating the first THREE and last THREE sentences. The generation can be done using following command:

conda activate LSP

The script automatically loads our checkpoint model, and the generation is in the main directory with the file name output.txt.


The scrpit trains the denoising autoencoder based on the dataset files sents_derep_bert_train_mask.json, sents_derep_bert_train.json, sents_derep_gpt_train.json, sents_derep_gpt_test.json. It creates a subfolder auto_log and saves checkpoint models in this subfolder.

After training the denosing autoencoder, you might see the performance on sentence interpolation (cf. Table 1 in our paper) with the script

Before training the sentence-level transformer, please pick up a checkpoint of the autoencoder and convert natural sentences in the corpus into sentence embeddings. This will significantly accelerate the training of the sentence-level transformer. To this end, please run This script takes the main dataset file tripadvisor_review_processed_uncut.json as input, does some filtering and pre-processing as specified in Subsection 4.1 of our paper, and encodes sentences into embeddings. The output file is under the dataset folder.

Finally, the script trains the sentence-level transformer based on the dataset files trip_cut_train_denoising.json, trip_derep_val.json, and It creates a subfolder fillgap_log and saves checkpoint models in this subfolder.


If you use this code in your research, you can cite our paper:

    title = "{INSET}: Sentence Infilling with {IN}ter-{SE}ntential Transformer",
    author = "Huang, Yichen and Zhang, Yizhe and Elachqar, Oussama and Cheng, Yu",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
    month = jul,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.226",
    pages = "2502--2515",