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How to print all the data inside of calendar?
Dear Creators, I actually tried different ways in order to print all the schedules/data inside of the calendar, but i couldn't find a solution.
Could you help me?
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Calendar Toastui exemple to save data"),
inputId = "view",
label = "Change view:",
choices = c("day", "week", "month"),
inline = TRUE
"Save calendar",
icon = icon("cloud-upload-alt"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
view = "month",
taskView = TRUE,
useCreationPopup = TRUE,
useNavigation = TRUE,
navigation = TRUE,
isReadOnly = FALSE) %>%
cal_month_options(startDayOfWeek = 1,
narrowWeekend = TRUE)
observeEvent(input$my_calendar_add, {
cal_proxy_add("my_calendar", input$my_calendar_add)
observeEvent(input$my_calendar_update, {
cal_proxy_update("my_calendar", input$my_calendar_update)
observeEvent(input$my_calendar_delete, {
cal_proxy_delete("my_calendar", input$my_calendar_delete)
cal_proxy_view("my_calendar", input$view),
ignoreInit = TRUE
observeEvent(input$save_calendar, {
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I have modified the previouse lines
observeEvent(input$save_calendar, {
with the follow one
observeEvent(input$save_calendar, {
and now it prints out one schedule and not all the schedules.
I Would like to get a dataframe with all the information contained insiede the calendar. it is that possible?
No currently there's no method to retrieve all schedules at once.
You have to watch on input$outputId_add
to get schedules added, input$outputId_delete
for schedules deleted and input$outputId_update
for change on a schedule.
Note that it's recommended to add a custom ID to schedule before adding them, with something like
new <- input$my_calendar_add
new$id <- "ID" # generate unique ID here
cal_proxy_add("my_calendar", new)
Otherwise a random ID is added and you won't be able to identify schedules deleted or updated.
Let me know how it works for you, I can implement something but not immediately.
Thanks a lot for your tip, i will take it all.
I have implemented a postgres database as backend in order to keep track the user change, such as add, delete and update.
But every time that the user will add, update and delete the calendar, the application must connect to the database in order to keep track of the user change.
It is working, but of course it will be great to have a function or a way to get all the schedules at once and write it into the database.
I will wait the implementation of such good tool.
Hi there, Any news related to this issue?
Thanks, Marco
i am sorry to bother you again, i would like to know if there are some updates for this issue
Thanks again
This feature does not exist in the JavaScript library and will not be implemented, but you can always ask (see And I don't have the time or the need to implement it myself. I still think that's better to write to the database each time an entry is added or deleted, it limits the risks of information loss in case of application crash or unexpected disconnection.