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Calling `show_toast` before previous toast disappears causes "Duplicate IDs found" error to appear
Calling shinyWidgets::show_toast
while an existing toast is being displayed while devmode
is active causes errors to appear due to duplicate Input/Output IDs being found.
Repex triggering error (Reduced from example code in documentation for show_toast
ui <- fluidPage(
inputId = "info",
label = "Show info toast",
icon = icon("info")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$info, {
title = "Heads up",
text = "Just a message",
type = "info",
position = "top-end",
timer = 10000
if (interactive()) {
shinyApp(ui, server)
Error message:
Duplicate input/output IDs found
The following IDs were repeated:
- "swal2-select": x inputs
- "swal2-checkbox": x inputs
- "swal2-textarea": x inputs
where x
increases each time it is called.
Example video of reprex above triggering error:
As it stands I can't find a good way to close an existing toast via code, nor a good way to avoid this error (other than not spawning a second toast while another toast exists, which is inconvenient).