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todayButton as Date not working
I have the following Air Date Picker Input in my Shiny app:
airMonthpickerInput("range", strong("Date Range"), range = T, separator = " to ", dateFormat = "MMM-yyyy", minDate = "1947-01-01", maxDate = "2022-11-01", value = c("1947-01-01", "2022-11-01"), clearButton = T, todayButton = "2022-11-01", autoClose = T, update_on = "close", addon = "none")
Yet this throws the error "argument is not interpretable as logical". When I place my preferred date in as.Date() function [todayButton = as.Date("2022-11-01")], the app works but Today button is not set to the date I provided. Is it a bug or I am missing something?
Sorry that functionnality is not implemented yet. I'll look into it.