addinit icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
addinit copied to clipboard

Initialize & structure an 'RStudio' Project


Addin for initializing new projects in RStudio

Lifecycle: stable R-CMD-check


This addin provide a Shiny gadget to easily create directories and scripts from templates in your new RStudio project !

Installation :

# From Github
# install.packages("devtools")

To launch the addin, use the addin menu in RStudio.


You can customize a lot of options in addinit, for example the names of the directories to create or a default author for the scripts. For this just modify the parameters list below and set the option addinit in your .Rprofile.

my_custom_params <- list(
  author = NULL,
  project = list(
    folders = list(
      default = c("scripts", "datas", "funs", "inputs", "outputs", "logs"),
      selected = NULL
    packages = list(
      default = rownames(installed.packages()),
      selected = NULL
    config = TRUE,
    source_funs = FALSE
  application = list(
    folders = list(
      default = c("datas", "funs", "modules", "www"),
      selected = NULL
    packages = list(
      default = rownames(utils::installed.packages()),
      selected = NULL
    create_template = TRUE,
    template = "dashboard"
options("addinit" = my_custom_params)

For examples, changing the author and the directories' names and select package shiny by default :

my_custom_params <- list(
  author = "Victor",
  project = list(
    folders = list(
      default = c("R", "inst", "man", "data-raw", "data", "tests"),
      selected = c("R", "man")
    packages = list(
      default = rownames(utils::installed.packages()),
      selected = "shiny"
options("addinit" = my_custom_params)

Full list of parameters :

option value description
author character The value to use by default for author input, used when creating a script from template
folders.default character vector The names of the directories to create
folders.selected character vector Select folders to create by default
packages.default character vector A vector of packages to load in scripts, by default all packages installed
packages.selected character vector Select packages to load by default
config logical Add a config script or not at the root of the projects for loading data, sourcing funs,...
source_funs logical Add code to source functions
create_template logical Make Shiny template selection appear
template character Template to create, shiny for a classic shiny app (ui, server, global), dashboard for use shinydashboard, miniapp for a single file app (app.R)