AssetManagement icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
AssetManagement copied to clipboard

A set of classes to convert Unity Addressables callbacks/coroutine workflow to async/await with UniTask.


Addressables Services

A set of classes to convert Unity Addressables callbacks/coroutine workflow to async/await with UniTask. Unity 2020.1+


This package can be installed as a Unity package from git url.

Latest release

  • Add following line in Packages/manifest.json:
"com.dre0dru.assetmanagement": "",
  • Use Window/Package Manager/Add package from git URL... in Unity:


This package has following dependencies that must be present for package to compile:


  • ScriptingDefineUtility enables full logs switch for Addressables under Window->Asset Management->Addressables->Logs
  • VContainer - optional extension methods for bindings
  • Shared.Sources used for implementations of interfaces in several modules, interfaces are not dependent on this package


Generic type-safe assets loader. Can be used for both async assets loading on demand or async preloading and sync usage during gameplay.

private AssetReferenceT<AudioClip> _clipAssetReference01;  
private AssetReferenceT<AudioClip> _clipAssetReference02;

IAssetsReferenceLoader<AudioClip> loader = new AssetsReferenceLoader<AudioClip>();  
//Or more generic IAssetsLoader<TKey, TAsset>  
IAssetsLoader<AssetReferenceT<AudioClip>, AudioClip> loader =  
 new AssetsReferenceLoader<AudioClip>();  
//Preload assets  
await loader.PreloadAssetAsync(_clipAssetReference01);  
await loader.PreloadAssetsAsync(_clipAssetReference01, _clipAssetReference02);  
//Safely extract preloaded asset synchronously  
if (loader.TryGetAsset(_clipAssetReference01, out AudioClip audioClip))  
 Debug.Log($"Asset loaded successfully: {audioClip}");  
 Debug.Log($"No asset was for preloaded for {_clipAssetReference01.RuntimeKey}");  
//Check if asset was loaded  
bool isAssetPreloaded = loader.IsAssetLoaded(_clipAssetReference01);  
//Or use unsafe asset extraction, will throw exception if no asset was preloaded  
AudioClip audioClip = loader.GetAsset(_clipAssetReference01);  
//Load asynchronously on demand, will be completed immediately if asset is already loaded
AudioClip audioClip = await loader.LoadAssetAsync(_clipAssetReference01);  
AudioClip[] audioClips = await loader.LoadAssetsAsync(_clipAssetReference01, _clipAssetReference02);  
//Unload unused assets  
//Or unload all assets that were loaded  


AssetReferenceComponent<T> allows to filter Addressables assets by specific component in Unity Editor. Must be used with IAssetsReferenceLoader<GameObject>.

private AssetReferenceComponent<Camera> _cameraReference;

IAssetsReferenceLoader<GameObject> gameObjectLoader =  
 new AssetsReferenceLoader<GameObject>();  
//AssetReferenceComponent<T> can be passed to IAssetsReferenceLoader<GameObject>  
//since it is inherited from AssetReferenceGameObject  
await gameObjectLoader.PreloadAssetAsync(_cameraReference);  
//Safely extract preloaded GameObject with Camera component on it  
if(gameObjectLoader.TryGetComponent(_cameraReference, out Camera camera))  
 Camera cameraInstance = Object.Instantiate(camera);  
//Or use unsafe asset extraction, will throw exception if no asset was preloaded  
var cameraComponent = gameObjectLoader.GetComponent(_cameraReference);

VContainer extensions

//Will bind IAssetReferenceLoader<T> to AssetRefereceLoader<T> implementation


Any downloader implements several interfaces: IStartableDownload<TDownloadResult>,
IAssetsDownloadStatus<TDownloadStatus> and optional ITrackableProgress<TDownloadStatus>. Currently only AssetLabelsDownloadPack is provided since downloading by AssetReferenceLabel is the most common way.

//Create download pack
var downloadPack = new AssetLabelsDownloadPack(_assetLabelReference);

//Set method to track download status changes, accepts implementations of IProgress<T>

//Or get status manually
var status = _downloadPack.DownloadStatus;

//Start download
bool isSuccess = await _downloadPack.StartDownloadAsync();

 //Download can be restarted anytime
 isSuccess = await _downloadPack.StartDownloadAsync();

private void DisplayStatus(AssetsDownloadStatus status)  
 _downloadSize.text = $"Size {status.DownloadSizeBytes.ToString()}";  
 _percentProgress.text = $"Percent: {status.PercentProgress:F}";  
 _isDownloaded.text = $"Is downloaded {status.IsDownloaded}";  
 _status.text = $"Status {status.DownloadOperationStatus.ToString()}";  
 _downloadedBytes.text = $"Downloaded: {status.DownloadedBytes.ToString()}";  


Simple Unity ScriptableObject Dictionaries for AssetLabelReference and AssetReference<T>:

  • AssetLabelsUDictionarySo<TKey>
  • AssetReferencesUDictionarySo<TKey, TAsset>


When using TMP with Addressables without initial preparations there will be either duplicated assets or broken Unity Editor workflow.

  1. Inherit TMPAddressableAssets<TLocaleKey, TSpriteAssetKey>
  2. Create ScriptableObject instance, set it up with fonts/sprite assets addressable references
  3. Create instance of TMPBuildProcessorSettings, set it up
TMPAddressableAssets<string, string> assets;
IAssetsReferenceLoader<TMP_FontAsset> fontsLoader;
IAssetsReferenceLoader<TMP_SpriteAsset> spriteAssetsLoader;

//Setup/bind service instance
IFontsService<string, string> service = new FontsService<string, string>(
  assets, fontsLoader, spriteAssetsLoader

//Load font by locale
await service.LoadFontForLocale("en");

//Unload unused fonts

await service.LoadSpriteAsset("CurrencyIcons");



ISpriteAtlasProvider implementation can be used to control Unity SpriteAtlase loading/unloading at runtime via Addressables.

IAssetsReferenceLoader<SpriteAtlas> spriteAtlasLoader;  
ISpriteAtlasAddressableAssets spriteAtlasAddressableAssets;

ISpriteAtlasProvider provider = new SpriteAtlasProvider(
  spriteAtlasLoader, spriteAtlasAddressableAssets

//Listen SpriteAtlasManager atlas requests
//Requeted SpriteAtlases will be loaded automatically

//Unload all SpriteAtlases that we loaded by this provider


VContainer extensions

Entry point for managing provider lifetime:



The software released under the terms of the MIT license.