Darren Black

Results 56 comments of Darren Black

> To avoid this, we would have to remove Parse from our public interface Why would you need to have Parse in your public interface? I'm not sure what you're...

Unfortunately the current solution is to make your own login view controller and implement it there. I was working on a branch that added the Sign In With Apple button...

> I can take a look at this. In reference to this: [Parse Server Pull Request](https://github.com/parse-community/parse-server/pull/6523). I made the backend changes for Apple Sign In for Parse Server & have...

I have every intention of getting my Apple Sign In code finished and merged fwiw (I spent a lot of time on it). It just made no sense to work...

Apple Sign In? I don't think so. The FB and Twitter Utils projects act as facades. The Apple Sign In implementation is much simpler than the FB and Twitter logins...

Alright. Full disclaimer; I don't know the exact state of this. It's been months since I looked at it. But here https://github.com/parse-community/Parse-SDK-iOS-OSX/tree/Apple_Sign_In If you're just trying to understand and implement...

Oh I just realised that's not what you're asking for... ahh. I can't share my own (non ParseUI) implementation right now. But it was based on Back4App's sample code: https://www.back4app.com/docs/ios/sign-in-with-apple-ios

> If I add some debug, currentUser.objectId and currentUser.session are OK. Where are they 'okay'? Are they are non-nil when the check claims they're nil?

@carbonimax That sounds pretty strange. The only times I recall seeing similar behaviour (and not in Parse) involved threading issues. Where values were being set on one thread and tested...

> Does someone have any idea of the purpose of the first BFTask in: > > ``` > - (BFTask *)fetchObjectAsync:(PFObject *)object withSessionToken:(NSString *)sessionToken { > @weakify(self); > return [[[[BFTask...