also quite unhappy with the current implementation tbh. while useCamera hacks things like HUD's it won't fix gl.skizzor or (sub-)events on planes that portal content. would you want to implement...
@gsimone this isn't straight forward, as well as the inject hacks. the problem is this: - you create a new onion layer where everything below will receive **that camera** and...
i looked into the reconciler stuff and sadly, it won't work: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/24138
viewport is in three units, that means width/height would fill the screen. the other values are in pixel units, that's "size" in useThree. when you mutate something in threejs, it's...
ah yes, that was what i would have suggested but you're right, this will cause layout and setViewport is faster. this is the function that gets called when size/viewport changes...
the sandbox crashes in some grid component
@johnmarinelli does this solve it? https://codesandbox.io/s/gracious-proskuriakova-fuodi?file=/src/App.js
mostly computeOffsets. r3f uses offsetxy, but that's reliant on the target. if you hover a div offsetxy starts at relative zero. with a flip to clientxy it should work. both...
i was wondering about this, thanks for researching, i will be using this going forward. but in any case, this definitively shouldn't be inside a useFrame but useEffect otherwise it's...
You would need to copy web/index.js as is, channel webglrenderer into exporenderer, and then make events work by mimicking pointer events. Most code has been abstracted so it's just throwing...