cant reproduce unfortunately, runs through here :-(
awesome! good luck also, i still can't reproduce :-(
yes that would be beautiful - it's a mess to do with with strings. do you know how?
useGLTF('/r-place.glb', "/path/to/draco") gltfjsx did this once but probably fell out unintentionally. would you want to make a pr?
or wait, i think the syntax is off, this should probably be: npx gltfjsx r-place.glb -d="/path/to/draco"
could you remove the preload? usegltf should just search in public with "/"
yes, please do. i have no idea what i'm doing and controlling the camera is the hardest part for me due to the math.
good idea, we need this! though cannon can tell you if wheels are in the air https://pmndrs.github.io/cannon-es/docs/classes/wheelinfo.html#isincontact it isnt exposed in use-cannon yet but i think that would be more...
before you go through gltfjsx make sure to prepare the model for the web. the model is almost 80mb, that is way too much. otherwise you would have to configure...