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drawdb copied to clipboard

Free, simple, and intuitive online database design tool and SQL generator.

Results 90 drawdb issues
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Would be nice if there is a docker image for this tool so it can be more easily run and deployed.

like how some ORMs automatically handle this, would reduce the hand drawn boilerplate.


Let's say I point to a database or create table as queries exported out of current database, can it automatically create a ER diagram. Fuctionality similar to this : https://gitlab.com/Screwtapello/sqlite-schema-diagram/-/tree/main

**This Pull Request makes the following changes** * Fixes issue #11 **Changes** - Added Dockerfile - Updated documentation in README.md file

Currently, DrawDB does not support the nvarchar datatype. This datatype is commonly used in SQL Server databases for storing variable-length Unicode string data. We kindly request the DrawDB development team...


I would love this to support DBML. Tools like dbdiagram.io are nice but not OSS and their editor is also not as pretty as yours. But the ability to compile...


It would be great if it were possible to export to "Django Models". In other words, generate the models automatically.


I want a bit bigger size of a table box. No settings found.