com.drastikbydesign.stripe copied to clipboard
Payment Processor Error message :Failed to update contribution in database -- still an issue
I have also filed this issue at:
Not sure which is the proper queue for issues on this project.
I have a site exhibiting this behavior:
Rather than a payment confirmation page, the workflow cycles back to the donor page with this path: /civicrm/contribute/transact?_qf_Main_display=true&qfKey=CRMContributeControllerContribution2r--a-very-long-hash
displaying at the top this error message: Payment Processor Error message :Failed to update contribution in database
Investigating the stripe account, this transaction seems to have completed successfully.
indicates version: 6.6.
root@efc9c26-00972:~# mysql -u root ${project_code}_db_www -e 'SELECT * FROM civicrm_contribution WHERE id = 10 \G'
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 10
contact_id: 2
financial_type_id: 1
contribution_page_id: 1
payment_instrument_id: 2
receive_date: 2021-06-20 03:22:10
non_deductible_amount: 0.00
total_amount: 10.00
fee_amount: 0.59
net_amount: 9.41
trxn_id: ch_1J4HEUIg6mnBA5D5jgcAzISB
invoice_id: e42f0355c5f30f11ef28ffaed0dd6c20
invoice_number: NULL
currency: USD
cancel_date: NULL
cancel_reason: 0
receipt_date: 2021-06-20 03:22:10
thankyou_date: NULL
source: Online Contribution: Donate to ${my_client}
amount_level: NULL
contribution_recur_id: NULL
is_test: 1
is_pay_later: 0
contribution_status_id: 2
address_id: NULL
check_number: NULL
campaign_id: NULL
creditnote_id: NULL
tax_amount: NULL
revenue_recognition_date: NULL
is_template: 0
root@efc9c26-00972:~# mysql -u root ${project_code}_db_www -e 'SELECT * FROM civicrm_stripe_paymentintent WHERE id = 20 \G'
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 20
stripe_intent_id: pi_1J4HEUIg6mnBA5D5H0E5cRx4
contribution_id: 10
payment_processor_id: 2
description: Donate to ${my_client} 2X10 #e42f0355c5f30f11ef28ffaed0dd6c20
status: succeeded
identifier: CRMContributeControllerContribution2r--a-very-long-hash
contact_id: 2
created_date: 2021-06-20 03:22:03
flags: a:0:{}
Not sure what other tables I ought to investigate.
@hesco - please use the queue at as you've already done