com.drastikbydesign.stripe copied to clipboard
Recurring Contributions have status Pending (Incomplete Transaction)
CiviCRM 4.4.2, latest civicrm_stripe, WordPress 3.7.1
With the latest update to civicrm_stripe all payments are being processed properly at Stripe. Stripe reports that all Webhooks have a success status.
However, in Civi any memberships or recurring donations have the status Pending (Incomplete Transaction) and there is no transaction Id in Payment Details. Any non-recurring contribute works properly and has a transaction Id in the payment details and a status of Completed.
I have been able to reproduce this on multiple CiviCRM's with WordPress.
I have also reproduced this behavior with Drupal 7.24 and CiviCRM 4.4.2
I've found this issue as well, and it leaves the contact without having an email delivered to them with their receipt, which is an unacceptable outcome.
Initial inspection of error log: mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Notice: Undefined property: CRM_Contribute_DAO_ContributionRecur::$next_sched_contribution in /[web_root]/public_html/administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Contribute/BAO/ContributionRecur.php on line 338
Joomla 3.x/Civicrm 4.4
Would be grateful to know if this issue is also resolved by this PR:
Same here, thanks for the patch @ginkgomzd
Since this one is still open and seems similar, I'll link in what I found this morning and the PR that solved it for me: