Daniel Rasmussen
Daniel Rasmussen
Which Mackey-Glass code are you trying to run? If it's the results from the original LMU paper, that code base is preserved here https://github.com/nengo/keras-lmu/blob/paper/experiments/mackey-glass.ipynb and should continue to run (note...
> So please send me the correct code to run it on *colab* without errors It shouldn't make any difference whether you're running on Colab or not (it's just a...
> Sure sir, thank you very much for the help as you said I tried on colab(!pip install git+https://github.com/nengo/keras-lmu@paper at the top of your code. Or, if you wanted to...
Just a note that the multi dimensional input for LMUFFT is now supported in `master`.
See https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/9171 for more info
When you pass in a Sequential model the Converter automatically converts it to a Functional model for you, and then that functional model is what is used for the actual...
You can switch between different GPUs by using the device parameter (e.g. ``nengo_dl.Simulator(net, device="/gpu:3")``), but that's just running the model on one GPU at a time (although you could run...
Hi Louuissaa, unfortunately `nengo_dl.Layer` only works with single-input single-output layers (it's on our TODO list to support multi-input/multi-output). However, you could write a little function that takes in a single...
Yes, this would definitely be a cool thing to support, and very doable from a technical standpoint. It's basically just a matter of changing one flag from True to False....
> Probe data is transferred from GPU to host only at the end of a simulation's run_steps. The device has to allocate space for it. For example, a Probe on...