Michiel Dral

Results 47 comments of Michiel Dral

For some reason PlotlyJS just stopped working 😱

@SimonDanisch you happen to remember what we came up with? I vague recall JSServe not having the same kind of hook-able-ness that WebIO provides, but that might be better now?...

We're creating a system for creating longer lived cells that have state now.. will update this PR when that comes out (@Pangoraw is working on it so expect it soon...

@sashmit Are you testing against this PR? This indeed isn't in Pluto still.

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/767261/151046167-83e10f65-a3a2-4990-96b2-fbaca2e86283.png) 😏

You could paste this into the file explorer thing?

What are you expecting the colors to be like?

Very weird, also it only happens for the first line of a string?

> Nice! I ended up rewriting the whole thing: > > - Now using `LOAD_PATH` and `Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT` instead of `pkg_ctx` > > - NotebookBootEnvironment.toml no longer needed, since PlutoRunner is...

> - [ ] What about RelocatableFolders.jl? (Was that working before?) I'll test it, but I'm pretty sure that still works as RelocatableFolders will "just" create the whole `runner` folder.