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add support elementary os hera
i'm add fix for elementaryOS Hera. previously i got error Unsupported operating system. Try using the manual installation instructions when install at ElementaryOS Hera 5.
Thankyou if you accept my pull request
Hi @okutasan -- thanks for the PR! Does the agent run fine under ElementaryOS?
Hi @okutasan -- thanks for the PR! Does the agent run fine under ElementaryOS?
hi @nathan-b . Yes , the agent is running well on elementary-os hera 5.1.7.
i include the detailed version elementary that im using
@okutasan Is there a reason you made the change to the IKS install script? Are you somehow running an elementaryOS node inside IBM's k8s service?
@okutasan Following up on the above there a reason you made this change for IKS? Or should we migrate it to kubernetes?
With no response to this for nearly three years, I think we're going to go ahead and close this PR.