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An Eclipse plugin for Typesafe Config files

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Eclipse plugin for Typesafe Config files

This project provides Eclipse toolings for editing configuration files in Hocon format (coloquially called Typesafe Config).


Eclipse Marketplace:

Drag to your running Eclipse workspace. Drag the install button on your running Eclipse application

Update site

Alternatively, use the plain old update site: https://dl.bintray.com/dragos/typesafe-config-eclipse/


  • configurable syntax highlighting and error checking
  • outline view
  • toggle comments
  • structured selection (syntax-aware increase/decrease selection)
  • auto edits, match braces



  • no completion or hyperlinking


Run mvn inside com.typesafe.hocon.releng.

Cut a release

  • check that the current version is correct (1 ahead of the latest release)
  • build release
  • ./publish.sh <BintrayAPIkey> <version>, where <version> is a non-SNAPSHOT version. Say, the current version in pom.xml is 1.0.5-SNAPSHOT, you should call ./publish.sh with 1.0.5
  • tag (e.g. (git tag v1.0.5) and push tags
  • bump version (inside com.typesafe.hocon.releng): mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.6-SNAPSHOT


The project is based on xtext. Help in the form of code contributions is most welcome!