RL_Algorithms copied to clipboard
Reinforcement learning algorithms with pytorch
A lightweight reinforcement learning algorithm library implemented by pytorch
Supported algorithms
Online RL
Interact with the environment during training.
algorithm | discrete control | continuous control |
Deep Q-Network (DQN) | ✔ | ⛔ |
Double DQN (DDQN) | ✔ | ⛔ |
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG) | ⛔ | ✔ |
Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) | ✔ | ✔ |
Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) | ⛔ | ✔ |
Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic policy gradient(TD3) | ⛔ | ✔ |
Offline RL
Use the existing data set for training, and there is no interaction with the environment during training.
algorithm | discrete control | continuous control |
Batch-Constrained deep Q-learning (BCQ) | ⛔ | ✔ |
Bootstrapping Error Accumulation Reduction (BEAR) | ⛔ | ✔ |
Policy in the Latent Action Space (PLAS) | ⛔ | ✔ |
Conservative Q-Learning (CQL) | ✔ | ✔ |
TD3 with behavior cloning(TD3-BC) | ⛔ | ✔ |
To do list
Online algorithm:
Offline algorithm:
- Discrete Batch-Constrained deep Q-Learning (BCQ-Discrete)
- Behavior Regularized Actor Critic (BRAC)
- Fisher-Behavior Regularized Critic(Fisher-BRC)
|Python 3.7 |
|Pytorch 1.7.1 |
|tensorboard 2.7.0 | To view the training curve in real time,
|tqdm 4.62.3 | To show progress bar.
|numpy 1.21.3 |
|gym 0.19.0 |
|box2d-py 2.3.8 | Include Box2d env, e.g,"BipedalWalker-v2" and "LunarLander-v2".
|atari-py 0.2.6 | Include Atari env, e.g, "Pong", "Breakout" and "SpaceInvaders".
|mujoco-py | Include Mujoco env, e.g, "Hopper-v2", "Ant-v2" and "HalfCheetah-v2".
|d4rl 1.1 | Only used in Offline RL. Include offline dataset of Mujoco, CARLA and so on.
(Can be installed in "https://github.com/rail-berkeley/d4rl")
|d4rl-atari 0.1 | Only used in Offline RL. Include offline dataset of Atari.
(Can be installed in "https://github.com/takuseno/d4rl-atari")
|mlagents 0.27.0 | To train agents in unity's self built environment.
(Can be installed in "https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents")
Quick start
To train the agents on the environments
git clone https://github.com/dragon-wang/RL_Algorithms.git
cd RL_Algorithms/run
# train DQN
python dqn_gym.py --env=CartPole-v0 --train_id=dqn_test
# train DDPG
python ddpg_gym.py --env=Pendulum-v0 --train_id=ddpg_Pendulum-v0
python ddpg_unity.py --train_id=ddpg_unity_test
# train PPO
python ppo_gym.py --env=CartPole-v0 --train_id=ppo_CartPole-v0
python ppo_mujoco.py --env=Hopper-v2 --train_id=ppo_Hopper-v2
# train SAC
python sac_gym.py --env=Pendulum-v0 --train_id=sac_Pendulum-v0
python sac_mujoco.py --env=Hopper-v2 --train_id=sac_Hopper-v2 --max_train_step=2000000 --auto
python sac_unity.py --train_id=sac_unity_test --auto
# train TD3
python td3_gym.py --env=Pendulum-v0 --train_id=td3_Pendulum-v0
python td3_mujoco.py --env=Hopper-v2 --train_id=td3_Hopper-v2
python td3_unity.py --train_id=td3_unity_test
# train BCQ
python bcq_mujoco.py --train_id=bcq_hopper-mudium-v2 --env=hopper-medium-v2 --device=cuda
# train PLAS
python plas_mujoco.py --train_id=plas_hopper-mudium-v2 --env=hopper-medium-v2 --device=cuda
# train CQL
python cql_mujoco.py --train_id=cql_hopper-mudium-v2 --env=hopper-medium-v2 --auto_alpha --entropy_backup --with_lagrange --lagrange_thresh=10.0 --device=cuda
# train BEAR
python bear_mujoco.py --env=hopper-medium-v2 --train_id=bear_hopper-mudium-v2 --kernel_type=laplacian --seed=10 --device=cuda
Some command line common parameters:
: the name of environment.(--env=xxx
) -
: the max size of replay buffer.(--capacity=xxx
) -
: the size of batch that sampled from buffer.(--batch_size=xxx
) -
: the steps of exploration before train.(--explore_step=xxx
) -
: how often (time steps) we evaluate during training, and it will not evaluate ifeval_freq < 0
(but in offline algorithms, we must evaluate during training).(--eval_freq=xxx
) -
: the max train step.(--max_train_step=xxx
) -
: the number of steps taken to record the model and the tensorboard.(--log_interval=xxx
) -
: path to save model and log tensorboard.(--train_id=xxx
) -
: whether load the last saved model to train.(--resume
) -
: choose device.(--device=cpu
) -
: show the trained model visually.(--show
) -
: the random seed of env or neural network(--seed=xxx
The specific parameters for each algorithm can be viewed in the "xxx.py" files under the "run" folder. Of course I have also provided some default parameters.
Note that your trained model and tensorboard files are stored in the "results/your train_id" folder.
Use tensorboard to view the training curve
cd run
tensorboard --logdir results
You can then view the training curve by typing "http://localhost:6006/" into your browser.
Continue to train from last checkpoint
You just need to add --resume
after your command line, such as:
python sac_mujoco.py --env=Hopper-v2 --train_id=sac_Hopper-v2 --max_train_step=2000000 --auto --resume
Note that the "train_id" must be the same as your last training id.
Show trained agent
You can view the display of the trained agent via --show
, such as:
python sac_mujoco.py --env=Hopper-v2 --train_id=sac_Hopper-v2 --show
Note that the "train_id" must be the same as the id of the agent you want to see.