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Reinforcement learning algorithms with pytorch


A lightweight reinforcement learning algorithm library implemented by pytorch

Supported algorithms

Online RL

Interact with the environment during training.

algorithm discrete control continuous control
Deep Q-Network (DQN)
Double DQN (DDQN)
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG)
Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)
Soft Actor-Critic (SAC)
Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic policy gradient(TD3)

Offline RL

Use the existing data set for training, and there is no interaction with the environment during training.

algorithm discrete control continuous control
Batch-Constrained deep Q-learning (BCQ)
Bootstrapping Error Accumulation Reduction (BEAR)
Policy in the Latent Action Space (PLAS)
Conservative Q-Learning (CQL)
TD3 with behavior cloning(TD3-BC)

To do list

Online algorithm:

Offline algorithm:


|Python 3.7        |
|Pytorch 1.7.1	   |
|tensorboard 2.7.0 | To view the training curve in real time, 
|tqdm 4.62.3       | To show progress bar.
|numpy 1.21.3	   | 

|gym 0.19.0        | 
|box2d-py 2.3.8    | Include Box2d env, e.g,"BipedalWalker-v2" and "LunarLander-v2".
|atari-py 0.2.6    | Include Atari env, e.g, "Pong", "Breakout" and "SpaceInvaders".
|mujoco-py | Include Mujoco env, e.g, "Hopper-v2", "Ant-v2" and "HalfCheetah-v2".

|d4rl 1.1          | Only used in Offline RL. Include offline dataset of Mujoco, CARLA and so on.
                     (Can be installed in "https://github.com/rail-berkeley/d4rl")
|d4rl-atari 0.1    | Only used in Offline RL. Include offline dataset of Atari.
                     (Can be installed in "https://github.com/takuseno/d4rl-atari")
|mlagents 0.27.0   | To train agents in unity's self built environment.
                     (Can be installed in "https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents")

Quick start

To train the agents on the environments

git clone https://github.com/dragon-wang/RL_Algorithms.git
cd RL_Algorithms/run

# train DQN
python dqn_gym.py --env=CartPole-v0 --train_id=dqn_test  

# train DDPG
python ddpg_gym.py --env=Pendulum-v0 --train_id=ddpg_Pendulum-v0
python ddpg_unity.py --train_id=ddpg_unity_test

# train PPO
python ppo_gym.py --env=CartPole-v0 --train_id=ppo_CartPole-v0
python ppo_mujoco.py --env=Hopper-v2 --train_id=ppo_Hopper-v2

# train SAC
python sac_gym.py --env=Pendulum-v0 --train_id=sac_Pendulum-v0  
python sac_mujoco.py --env=Hopper-v2 --train_id=sac_Hopper-v2 --max_train_step=2000000 --auto
python sac_unity.py --train_id=sac_unity_test --auto

# train TD3
python td3_gym.py --env=Pendulum-v0 --train_id=td3_Pendulum-v0
python td3_mujoco.py --env=Hopper-v2 --train_id=td3_Hopper-v2  
python td3_unity.py --train_id=td3_unity_test

# train BCQ
python bcq_mujoco.py --train_id=bcq_hopper-mudium-v2 --env=hopper-medium-v2  --device=cuda

# train PLAS
python plas_mujoco.py --train_id=plas_hopper-mudium-v2 --env=hopper-medium-v2 --device=cuda

# train CQL
python cql_mujoco.py --train_id=cql_hopper-mudium-v2 --env=hopper-medium-v2 --auto_alpha --entropy_backup --with_lagrange --lagrange_thresh=10.0 --device=cuda 

# train BEAR
python bear_mujoco.py --env=hopper-medium-v2 --train_id=bear_hopper-mudium-v2 --kernel_type=laplacian --seed=10 --device=cuda

Some command line common parameters:

  • --env: the name of environment.(--env=xxx)
  • --capacity: the max size of replay buffer.(--capacity=xxx)
  • --batch_size: the size of batch that sampled from buffer.(--batch_size=xxx)
  • --explore_step: the steps of exploration before train.(--explore_step=xxx)
  • --eval_freq: how often (time steps) we evaluate during training, and it will not evaluate if eval_freq < 0(but in offline algorithms, we must evaluate during training).(--eval_freq=xxx)
  • --max_train_step: the max train step.(--max_train_step=xxx)
  • --log_interval: the number of steps taken to record the model and the tensorboard.(--log_interval=xxx)
  • --train_id: path to save model and log tensorboard.(--train_id=xxx)
  • --resume: whether load the last saved model to train.(--resume)
  • --device: choose device.(--device=cpu or --device=cuda)
  • --show: show the trained model visually.(--show)
  • --seed: the random seed of env or neural network(--seed=xxx)

The specific parameters for each algorithm can be viewed in the "xxx.py" files under the "run" folder. Of course I have also provided some default parameters.

Note that your trained model and tensorboard files are stored in the "results/your train_id" folder.

Use tensorboard to view the training curve

cd run

tensorboard --logdir results

You can then view the training curve by typing "http://localhost:6006/" into your browser.

Continue to train from last checkpoint

You just need to add --resume after your command line, such as:

python sac_mujoco.py --env=Hopper-v2 --train_id=sac_Hopper-v2 --max_train_step=2000000 --auto --resume

Note that the "train_id" must be the same as your last training id.

Show trained agent

You can view the display of the trained agent via --show, such as:

python sac_mujoco.py --env=Hopper-v2 --train_id=sac_Hopper-v2 --show

Note that the "train_id" must be the same as the id of the agent you want to see.