Svenn-Arne Dragly
Svenn-Arne Dragly
- [ ] Reduce amount of text in all tutorials. - [ ] Add tutorial on deleting connections - [ ] Add tutorial on deleting items - [ ] Add...
There is too much text in the tutorials. We should reduce this and rather add more tutorials.
- [ ] Consider removing text in tutorials where the following features explain it better - [ ] Add icon when neuron has no input connections to make the user...
Add neurons with post-inhibitory rebound:
As caused by opening of calcium channels, neurons should be able to exhibit long-lasting depolarization after receiving high-frequency input. This may be deactivated again by inhibition.
Neurons that are bistable, either in terms of firing or polarization. A neuron may switch states upon receiving excitatory or inhibitory input.
Listening to all cells can be a bit noisy. Perhaps adding a sensor that plays a sound depending on the distance to the nearby cells could be a way to...
A module can be defined as a single unit and represented by a "black box" in the workspace. The user defines special input/output connections in the module that may be...
Spike timing dependent. Check if presynaptic spike is soon followed by a postsynaptic spike. If so, the weighting is increased. See chapter 7.5 in Sterratt. Other learning rules may also...
A game mode can be useful for creating exercises. All parts available to the user can be placed in the workspace and all creation menus disabled. An existing, fixed circuit...