Dave Raggett
Dave Raggett
Apart from reification, one approach that has been mentioned is to use a named graph that contains just the triple you want to annotate. This generalises to annotations on multiple...
For the record, the [W3C Cognitive AI Community Group](https://www.w3.org/community/cogai/) is incubating a higher level approach to knowledge graphs that is easier to work with than JSON-LD whilst retaining mapping to...
@HughGlaser wrote: > I am very likely to be getting rdfs:label, dc:creator, foaf:name for people, as well as a bunch of similar ones for the titles. I really only want...
This is one of the topics I proposed for the W3C Graph Data workshop in early March. What would really help is to gather some concrete use cases that we...
@darth-willy wrote: > "re-packaging" terms into a local, application-specific namespace Indeed, and this is supported by JSON-LD contexts. It is also likely to be important when dealing with graph databases...
It would be consistent with embracing property graphs where nodes and links can have properties. In other words, the data type for a literal node is expressed as a property...
For completeness, you can add SHRL to the list of RDF shape languages. SHRL is based upon Augmented Transition Networks (ATNs) which were developed in the 1970's as a graphical...
The terminology will also depend on the level of the representation - if we're directly supporting n-ary relationships, something I think we should, then we may want to consider using...
I note that the Property Graph folks don't seem to have an agreed term for graph nodes with properties, although some have considered "entity". In Cognitive Psychology, the agreed term...
> Do you mind expanding the point about the effect n-ary relationships might have on the terms? At the RDF core, we only have triples with subject, predicate and object....