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iSCSI module-setup: should not package all files in /etc/iscsi/ to initrd
iSCSI module-setup: should not package all files in /etc/iscsi/ to initrd iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p xxx would use userdefined iface to perform discovery if any userdefined iface exists. While if we added these userdefined iface in initrd, while this iface is not accessible to IP specified in netroot, it results in discovery failed. We might want using default iface of iSCSI to perform discovery.
Distribution used Fedora35
Dracut version dracut-055
Init system systemd
To Reproduce
- specify an iSCSI iface which bound to a specify netif, this netif can not connect to remote iSCSI IP during inited
- specify netroot of iSCSI devices
- failed to login iSCSI devices during initrd
Expected behavior Do not include userdefined ifaces in initrd
Additional context Add any other context you like about the problem here.
For example: in which initrd a userdefined iSCSI iface is defined and bound to enp0s5 which does not exist during boot in initrd. iscsiadm command would report following error: