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Syntax Highlighting not working properly for JS/TS

Open Fazla-GroM opened this issue 5 months ago • 18 comments

As of latest VSCode update syntax highlighting is not working properly (at least for me). Im using Dracula Pro but the same behavior can be observed on Dracula. When I switch back to default themes (dark modern, etc..) everything works as expected.

VsCode info:

Version: 1.86.1
Commit: 31c37ee8f63491495ac49e43b8544550fbae4533
Date: 2024-02-07T09:08:57.920Z
Electron: 27.2.3
ElectronBuildId: 26495564
Chromium: 118.0.5993.159
Node.js: 18.17.1
OS: Darwin arm64 23.3.0

Dracula version(not pro) v2.24.3

VSCode settings

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Dracula screenshot Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 10 42 56

Dark modern provided by vsCode Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 10 43 52

Fazla-GroM avatar Feb 10 '24 09:02 Fazla-GroM

Have the same problem, just stop working properly

GabrielDokov avatar Feb 12 '24 18:02 GabrielDokov

Not sure I understand the issue here. What is specifically broken? The highlighting in the hover window?

Have you both tried disabling all your other extensions first to see if there's not a conflict? I'm not seeing any issues on my end.

dsifford avatar Feb 12 '24 21:02 dsifford

Thank you for your fast response. The problem is when you declare a variable like const text = "something", the name of the variable (text), stay white, later it was blue, also {children} in above example (Dracula screenshot) needs to be highlighted

GabrielDokov avatar Feb 12 '24 21:02 GabrielDokov


The places where i put arrows needs to be highlighted, but they stayed white. It worked perfectly 3 days ago

GabrielDokov avatar Feb 12 '24 22:02 GabrielDokov

Looks like you might have disabled semantic highlighting. Can you check that setting to see if it is indeed enabled or not?

dsifford avatar Feb 13 '24 04:02 dsifford

Semantic highliting is on i change it to true and to configuredByTheme but the problem stays.Upload images to see that everything is ok, it worked 2 days ago and just stop without changing settings. @dsifford collaspsed, setCollapsed, navigate and menuItems needs to be highlighted image image image image

GabrielDokov avatar Feb 13 '24 07:02 GabrielDokov

@GabrielDokov explained everything. I also experimented with semantic highlighting on/off and it didnt change anything

Fazla-GroM avatar Feb 13 '24 09:02 Fazla-GroM

@Fazla-GroM, @dsifford maybe the problem comes from update of the VScode i don't know but stopped working . I have been using Dracula for 3-4 years and i have no problems since this

GabrielDokov avatar Feb 13 '24 09:02 GabrielDokov

@Fazla-GroM, @dsifford maybe the problem comes from update of the VScode i don't know but stopped working . I have been using Dracula for 3-4 years and i have no problems since this

Yeah me too. I went through vsCode issues yesterday but couldn't find anything similar 🤷

Fazla-GroM avatar Feb 13 '24 09:02 Fazla-GroM

Also it looks generics are broken also. If i remember correctly SomeGeneric and OtherType should also be of that light blue color. Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 10 30 46

Hover window highlighting also isnt working at all

Fazla-GroM avatar Feb 13 '24 09:02 Fazla-GroM

I cannot reproduce this on the latest (non-insiders) build of vscode on my machine. Can both of you confirm what OS you are running and also please disable all other extensions and make sure it is not a confict between extensions.

dsifford avatar Feb 13 '24 12:02 dsifford

Fix it , i disable 3 or 4 extensions and it goes like it was @dsifford . Thank you for your fast response, you are amazing! Thank you again. For the OS, using Windows 11 Pro

GabrielDokov avatar Feb 13 '24 12:02 GabrielDokov

Glad to hear. Any idea what extension this was so that others might be able to verify on their end?

dsifford avatar Feb 13 '24 12:02 dsifford

Disable Astro , Auto Rename Tag and, Ayu, I think the problem comes from Astro Extension

GabrielDokov avatar Feb 13 '24 12:02 GabrielDokov

Yep can confirm disabling all extensions and then reenabling them again fixed the issue. I don't have many extensions except the classic ones (prettier,eslint,copilot..). The only one that could mess with syntax is Astro.

Fun fact is that i can't reproduce it again 🤣

Fazla-GroM avatar Feb 13 '24 13:02 Fazla-GroM

We can now enjoy Dracula again 🥳

GabrielDokov avatar Feb 13 '24 13:02 GabrielDokov

Hover highlight is still not working for me though. Everything else is fine. It can be observed on photos i posted.

Fazla-GroM avatar Feb 13 '24 13:02 Fazla-GroM

I deleted the comment earlier, and now I've confirmed a few things vue plugin updates are causing the syntax highlighting to be unstable 动画 (0)

lvzhenbo avatar Mar 09 '24 03:03 lvzhenbo