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Theme for Fleet?

Open tommyboylab opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

Just started using Fleet after it hit open preview, wanted to know what it would take to create a theme for it.

Seems to use a different theming convention from other IntelliJ IDEs, but theming suggests it's possible. Was looking into doing it myself but not sure which colors line up with which (ex: so thought I'd bring this to the community.

Here's output of theme.json

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tommyboylab avatar Oct 14 '22 15:10 tommyboylab

According to the official blog, the custom theme or 3rd-party plugin support is still on developing. image We'll follow up at the first time when the 3rd-party plugin support comes out.

WhiteVermouth avatar Oct 14 '22 16:10 WhiteVermouth


nailliK avatar Jan 11 '24 01:01 nailliK

Hey @tommyboylab,

Thanks for showing your interest in contributing to the Dracula PRO theme library!

I'm excited to announce that we're very recently started working on a theme for JetBrains Fleet!

The best way to stay up to date with new themes and releases is by listening out on our Discord server.

ramsaysewell avatar Apr 01 '24 17:04 ramsaysewell