drachtio-siprec-recording-server copied to clipboard
Possible to add TTL on keys into Redis
Hi, I use your dev with freeswitch mode. I want to add TTL to delete redis keys or delete it when I receive BYE. But add TTL is simplest than delete key with BYE no ?
I'm not sure, but I think the redis data is used before the SIPREC 200OK generation. After that, I can delete key into redis....
thanks in advance
yes, I agree that we should use a TTS to expire redis keys, but that is in fact what I am doing here:
I set a 10 second expires value.
Are you seeing keys not getting cleared from redis?
I knew it ;) but no, all keys stay in redis... I don't understand why... Do you have an idea please ? thanks in advance
What version of redis server are you running? Per this:
it seems like that option was added in Redis 2.6.12.
you could always try changing the code to do it this way:
.set(opts.sessionId, opts.sdp2)
.expire(opts.sessionId, 10)
.exec((err, replies) => ..
Hi, I use this redis version (not in docker), installed from debian package:
Redis server v=3.2.6 sha=00000000:0 malloc=jemalloc-3.6.0 bits=64 build=c9ca860b301a190d
I tested but I have the same issue :(
the code:
function storeUnusedSdp(opts) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
console.log(`sessionId: ${opts.xcid} / sdp: ${opts.sdp2}`);
.set(opts.xcid, opts.sdp2)
.expire(opts.xcid, 10)
.exec((err, replies) => {
if (err) throw err;
resolve(opts) ;
}) ;
I can see my key but the TTL is -1> TTL 201-1560495744.2171985
(integer) -1
I can force a TTL with cli and it woks:> EXPIRE 201-1560495744.2171985 10
(integer) 1> TTL 201-1560495744.2171985
(integer) 7
After that I downloaded and compiled the last redis server (http://redis-5.0.5.tar.gz/) No changes :( I found this: https://github.com/NodeRedis/node_redis/issues/1000
Other test:
I tested with:
client.setex(opts.xcid, 10, opts.sdp2);
same issue.
But I created other simple script with the same data, and setex works like a charm...
I'm sorry but I don't know what to try.. :(
After lot of things, I found. The first 'set' into storeUnusedSdp is set with TTL, but the code rewrite this data into (handleLeg2SiprecInvite -> exchangeSdp) without TTL... So all registers can't be deleted ... I add TTL in exchangeSdp and it works like a charm (but I use setex) ;)
function storeUnusedSdp(opts) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (!opts.xcid) {
console.log(`No xcid`);
return opts.res.send(500, {
headers: {
'X-Reason': 'No X-cid header'
console.log(`sessionId: ${opts.xcid} / sdp: ${opts.sdp2}`);
client.setex(opts.xcid, 10, opts.sdp2, (err, reply) => {
if (err) throw err;
resolve(opts) ;
}) ;
function exchangeSdp(sessionId, sdp) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.setex(sessionId, 10, sdp)
.exec((err, replies) => {
if (err) return reject(err);
But I don't understand why you add TTL in the first set (to store unused sdp), and there is no TTL when you use it with the leg2 (in exchangeSdp)