react-proptypes-generate copied to clipboard
A Vscode extension for react PropTypes, Support command line
This is the VS Code's extension that automatically generates PropTypes code for React components, like ReactPropTypes in the Jetbrains's Platform. Also a command line tool, you don’t have to be limited to use in vscode. If you want fully automatic PropTypes generation, You can also use with lint-staged in your project.
You have three type to use the plugin, optional installation as required。
VS Code
Search react-proptypes-generate in Marketplace and install it.
Command Line
If you want to use it directly on the command line and not use the VS Code, you can install cli by npm install.
npm install react-proptypes-generate -g
Project with lint-staged
If you want to auto generate PropTypes when git
commit changes, you need to install lint-staged and husky for your project
npm install --save-dev react-proptypes-generate lint-staged husky
yarn add react-proptypes-generate lint-staged husky -D
VS Code
- Select your Component's name
- Press command + . (Windows is Ctrl + .) show Code Actions and select PropTypesGenerate, or press shift + command + alt + P (Windows is shift + ctrl + alt + P) in the macOS
- Input propType to replace default type
Command Line
rpg-cli -h
show Help -
rpg-cli <JsFilePath> <ComponentName>
to generatePropTypes
rpg-cli config <JsonFilePath>
to config generatedSettings
rpg-cli project <DirPath>
to batch generatedPropTypes
for Project -
rpg-cli fix <files...>
to batch generatedPropTypes
for many files
If you want ian to always use the latest version, you can use npx to instead of rpg-cli
, like:
npx react-proptypes-generate -h
npx react-proptypes-generate ./examples/index.jsx Test
npx react-proptypes-generate setting.json
npx react-proptypes-generate project ./examples/
npx react-proptypes-generate fix index.jsx index2.jsx src/index3.js
If you want to every project have different config, you can create a json file named rpg.config.json
and put it in root folder.
"autoImport": "ES6",
"codeStyle": "default",
"noMergeOld": false,
"mergeOldIfExist": true,
"noShape": false,
"tabWidth": 2,
"quote": "double",
"trailingComma": false,
"semicolon": true,
"arrayLike": true,
"isRequired": false,
"include": [
"src/**/*" // support glob
"exclude": [
Project with lint-staged
edit package.json file
Config Git precommit hooks
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "npm run lint-staged"
Config lint-staged, like:
"lint-staged": {
"**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": [
"rpg-cli fix"
TypeScript Need to Know
Because of the ast parser is flow-parser
, so TypeScript sometimes generates strange types.
Already known Case
- use
in the props's ES6 destruct, will generate redundant error types, like:
let { age = 0 as number, students = [] } = props;
// will generated
Test.propTypes = {
number: PropTypes.any,
age: PropTypes.number,
students: PropTypes.array
- Not Support convert Typescript’s type to PropType, like:
let age:number = props.age
// will generated
Test.propTypes = {
age: PropTypes.any,
Examples case
import React from 'react'
function Test(props) {
let { school: schoolAlias = "schoolName", info = { name: 2 }, year = 33 , onClick } = props;
return <div onClick={() => onClick()} />
//will generate
Test.propTypes = {
info: PropTypes.shape({
name: PropTypes.number
onClick: PropTypes.func,
school: PropTypes.string,
year: PropTypes.number
Special case
To prevent the array
type may be prejudged to shape
type, you should set a default value.
import React from 'react'
function Test(props) {
let { students = [] } = props;
let length = students.length;
return <div/>
//will generate
Test.propTypes = {
students: PropTypes.array
Keep PropTypes's Comments
If you want to keep PropTypes's comments, you must put the comments in the every PropTypes's end, like:
Test.propTypes = {
students: PropTypes.array, // students
teacher: PropTypes.shape({
name: PropTypes.string, // teacher 's name
}) // teacher
Common settings
: Auto import or require PropTypes module(disabled|commonJS|ES6) -
: PropTypes Generate Style(default|class) -
: Number of spaces the pretty-printer should use per tab for indentation (number) -
: Override the quotes used in string literals(single|double|auto|null) -
: Controls the printing of trailing commas in object literals, array expressions and function parameters(boolean) -
: If true, there will be a semicolon after PropType statement -
: Defaults is merge old PropTypes, if true, will generate new PropTypes(boolean) -
: If true, old PropTypes different with new PropTypes will be deleted, only used whennoMergeOld
is false(boolean) -
: Defaults is generate shape type, if true, will generate object type(boolean) -
: If true, some shape type which is similar to Array will be set array type instead(boolean) -
: If true, all PropTypes is will be set to isRequired(boolean) -
: If true, all PropTypes is sort by name(boolean)
Extension Special Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
: If true, after generate propTypes, trigger vscode's formatting for PropTypes(boolean)
Command Line Special Settings
Command Line can config the following settings:
: Match need generated files, only used infix
(array) -
: Match node need generated files, only used infix
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